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Arrays, Maps and Lists

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By default, jOOQ returns an org.jooq.Result object, which is essentially a java.util.List of org.jooq.Record. Often, you will find yourself wanting to transform this result object into a type that corresponds more to your specific needs. Or you just want to list all values of one specific column. Here are some examples to illustrate those use cases:

// Fetching only book titles (the two calls are equivalent):
List<String> titles1 = create.select().from(BOOK).fetch().getValues(BOOK.TITLE);
List<String> titles2 = create.select().from(BOOK).fetch(BOOK.TITLE);
String[]     titles3 = create.select().from(BOOK).fetchArray(BOOK.TITLE);

// Fetching only book IDs, converted to Long
List<Long> ids1 = create.select().from(BOOK).fetch().getValues(BOOK.ID, Long.class);
List<Long> ids2 = create.select().from(BOOK).fetch(BOOK.ID, Long.class);
Long[]     ids3 = create.select().from(BOOK).fetchArray(BOOK.ID, Long.class);

// Fetching book IDs and mapping each ID to their records or titles
Map<Integer, BookRecord> map1 = create.selectFrom(BOOK).fetch().intoMap(BOOK.ID);
Map<Integer, BookRecord> map2 = create.selectFrom(BOOK).fetchMap(BOOK.ID);
Map<Integer, String>     map3 = create.selectFrom(BOOK).fetch().intoMap(BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE);
Map<Integer, String>     map4 = create.selectFrom(BOOK).fetchMap(BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE);

// Group by AUTHOR_ID and list all books written by any author:
Map<Integer, Result<BookRecord>> group1 = create.selectFrom(BOOK).fetch().intoGroups(BOOK.AUTHOR_ID);
Map<Integer, Result<BookRecord>> group2 = create.selectFrom(BOOK).fetchGroups(BOOK.AUTHOR_ID);
Map<Integer, List<String>>       group3 = create.selectFrom(BOOK).fetch().intoGroups(BOOK.AUTHOR_ID, BOOK.TITLE);
Map<Integer, List<String>>       group4 = create.selectFrom(BOOK).fetchGroups(BOOK.AUTHOR_ID, BOOK.TITLE);

Note that most of these convenience methods are available both through org.jooq.ResultQuery and org.jooq.Result, some are even available through org.jooq.Record as well.

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