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Fetching data in records is fine as long as your application is not really layered, or as long as you're still writing code in the DAO layer. But if you have a more advanced application architecture, you may not want to allow for jOOQ artefacts to leak into other layers. You may choose to write POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) as your primary DTOs (Data Transfer Objects), without any dependencies on jOOQ's org.jooq.Record types, which may even potentially hold a reference to a Configuration, and thus a JDBC java.sql.Connection. Like Hibernate/JPA, jOOQ allows you to operate with POJOs. Unlike Hibernate/JPA, jOOQ does not "attach" those POJOs or create proxies with any magic in them.

If you're using jOOQ's code generator, you can configure it to generate POJOs for you, but you're not required to use those generated POJOs. You can use your own. See the manual's section about POJOs with custom RecordMappers to see how to modify jOOQ's standard POJO mapping behaviour.

While POJOs don't have a connection to jOOQ API, they also don't have any notion of dirty flags and other useful record-based features. They're dumb POJOs. While some people like "clean" separation of concerns, this really isn't always necessary. It's perfectly fine to be pragmatic and mostly work with jOOQ's org.jooq.UpdatableRecord, even in the UI layer!

equals() and hashCode()

Generated POJOs provide entirely value-based equals() and hashCode() semantics out of the box, as jOOQ operates on data in a similar way as SQL does, where rows are "equal" when they're "NOT DISTINCT." Custom built POJOs or DTOs can have different opinions about the implementation of equals() and hashCode(), including approaches where POJOs are more similar to JPA entities (if primary key present: use that only for comparison, if absent, all instances are distinct). jOOQ doesn't impose one approach over the other.

Using JPA-annotated POJOs

jOOQ tries to find JPA annotations on your POJO types. If it finds any, they are used as the primary source for mapping meta-information. Only the jakarta.persistence.Column annotation is used and understood by jOOQ. An example:

// A JPA-annotated POJO class
public class MyBook {
  @Column(name = "ID")
  public int myId;

  @Column(name = "TITLE")
  public String myTitle;

// The various "into()" methods allow for fetching records into your custom POJOs:
MyBook myBook        = create.select().from(BOOK).fetchAny().into(MyBook.class);
List<MyBook> myBooks = create.select().from(BOOK).fetch().into(MyBook.class);
List<MyBook> myBooks = create.select().from(BOOK).fetchInto(MyBook.class);

Just as with any other JPA implementation, you can put the jakarta.persistence.Column annotation on any class member, including attributes, setters and getters. Please refer to the Record.into() Javadoc for more details.

Using simple POJOs

If jOOQ does not find any JPA-annotations, columns are mapped to the "best-matching" constructor, attribute or setter. An example illustrates this:

// A "mutable" POJO class
public class MyBook1 {
  public int id;
  public String title;

// The various "into()" methods allow for fetching records into your custom POJOs:
MyBook1 myBook        = create.select().from(BOOK).fetchAny().into(MyBook1.class);
List<MyBook1> myBooks = create.select().from(BOOK).fetch().into(MyBook1.class);
List<MyBook1> myBooks = create.select().from(BOOK).fetchInto(MyBook1.class);

Please refer to the Record.into() Javadoc for more details.

Using "immutable" POJOs

If jOOQ does not find any default constructor, columns are mapped to the "best-matching" constructor. This allows for using "immutable" POJOs with jOOQ. An example illustrates this:

// An "immutable" POJO class
public class MyBook2 {
  public final int id;
  public final String title;

  public MyBook2(int id, String title) {
    this.id = id;
    this.title = title;

// With "immutable" POJO classes, there must be an exact match between projected fields and available constructors:
MyBook2 myBook        = create.select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE).from(BOOK).fetchAny().into(MyBook2.class);
List<MyBook2> myBooks = create.select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE).from(BOOK).fetch().into(MyBook2.class);
List<MyBook2> myBooks = create.select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE).from(BOOK).fetchInto(MyBook2.class);

// An "immutable" POJO class with a java.beans.ConstructorProperties annotation
public class MyBook3 {
  public final String title;
  public final int id;

  @ConstructorProperties({ "title", "id" })
  public MyBook3(String title, int id) {
    this.title = title;
    this.id = id;

// With annotated "immutable" POJO classes, there doesn't need to be an exact match between fields and constructor arguments.
// In the below cases, only BOOK.ID is really set onto the POJO, BOOK.TITLE remains null and BOOK.AUTHOR_ID is ignored
MyBook3 myBook        = create.select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.AUTHOR_ID).from(BOOK).fetchAny().into(MyBook3.class);
List<MyBook3> myBooks = create.select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.AUTHOR_ID).from(BOOK).fetch().into(MyBook3.class);
List<MyBook3> myBooks = create.select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.AUTHOR_ID).from(BOOK).fetchInto(MyBook3.class);

Please refer to the Record.into() Javadoc for more details.

Using proxyable types

jOOQ also allows for fetching data into abstract classes or interfaces, or in other words, "proxyable" types. This means that jOOQ will return a java.util.HashMap wrapped in a java.lang.reflect.Proxy implementing your custom type. An example of this is given here:

// A "proxyable" type
public interface MyBook3 {
  int getId();
  void setId(int id);

  String getTitle();
  void setTitle(String title);

// The various "into()" methods allow for fetching records into your custom POJOs:
MyBook3 myBook        = create.select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE).from(BOOK).fetchAny().into(MyBook3.class);
List<MyBook3> myBooks = create.select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE).from(BOOK).fetch().into(MyBook3.class);
List<MyBook3> myBooks = create.select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE).from(BOOK).fetchInto(MyBook3.class);

Please refer to the Record.into() Javadoc for more details.

Loading POJOs back into Records to store them

The above examples show how to fetch data into your own custom POJOs / DTOs. When you have modified the data contained in POJOs, you probably want to store those modifications back to the database. An example of this is given here:

// A "mutable" POJO class
public class MyBook {
  public int id;
  public String title;

// Create a new POJO instance
MyBook myBook = new MyBook();
myBook.id = 10;
myBook.title = "Animal Farm";

// Load a jOOQ-generated BookRecord from your POJO
BookRecord book = create.newRecord(BOOK, myBook);

// Insert it (implicitly)

// Insert it (explicitly)

// or update it (ID = 10)

Note: Because of your manual setting of ID = 10, jOOQ's store() method will asume that you want to insert a new record. See the manual's section about CRUD with UpdatableRecords for more details on this.

Interaction with DAOs

If you're using jOOQ's code generator, you can configure it to generate DAOs for you. Those DAOs operate on generated POJOs. An example of using such a DAO is given here:

// Initialise a Configuration
Configuration configuration = new DefaultConfiguration().set(connection).set(SQLDialect.ORACLE);

// Initialise the DAO with the Configuration
BookDao bookDao = new BookDao(configuration);

// Start using the DAO
Book book = bookDao.findById(5);

// Modify and update the POJO

// Delete it again
While these org.jooq.DAO types look useful for trivial operations, they quickly become less interesting as your SQL interactions grow more complex. Just like POJOs themselves, DAOs are very dumb and simple. It's perfectly fine to work with org.jooq.UpdatableRecord directly, or with SQL statements, instead!

More complex data structures

jOOQ currently doesn't support more complex data structures, the way Hibernate/JPA attempt to map relational data onto POJOs. While future developments in this direction are not excluded, jOOQ claims that generic mapping strategies lead to an enormous additional complexity that only serves very few use cases. You are likely to find a solution using any of jOOQ's various fetching modes, with only little boiler-plate code on the client side.


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