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Synthetic enums

Applies to ❌ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition

jOOQ's code generator supports generating synthetic enums from a variety of enumeration literal sources, including:

  • Explicit listing of literals
  • The results of an arbitrary 1-column projecting SQL query
  • A simple CHECK constraint of the form CHECK (col IN ('a', 'b')) or any other non-canonical form that can be reduced to an IN predicate using pattern-based transformation.

In particular, the CHECK constraint based configuration is very powerful!

enum TStatus implements EnumType {
  A, B, C;

  // [...]
  status VARCHAR(10),

  CHECK (status IN ('A', 'B', 'C'))

A configuration example:

XML (standalone and maven)
Gradle (Kotlin)
Gradle (Groovy)
Gradle (third party)

            <!-- Optional name of the enum type in the schema. If left empty, the generated name
                 is concatenated as TABLE_COLUMN -->

            <!-- Optional regular expression matching all tables that have this enum type. -->

            <!-- Regular expression matching all fields that have this enum type. -->

            <!-- An optional, defining comment of the enum -->
            <comment>An enumeration for the TABLE.STATUS column.</comment>

            <!-- The following are mutually exclusive settings. If none are provided, and the
                 synthetic enum is named, then it will just reference a previously defined
                 synthetic or actual enum type by name.

            <!-- Specify enum literals explicitly -->

            <!-- Specify a query that returns the distinct enum literals -->
            <literalSql>SELECT DISTINCT status FROM schema.table</literalSql>

            <!-- Fetch distinct enum literals from the column's content.
                 This is the same as specifying literalSql to be

                 SELECT DISTINCT matched_column FROM matched_table

            <!-- The list of literals is parsed from the applicable CHECK constraints
                 for the matched column, if possible. -->

See the configuration XSD, standalone code generation, and maven code generation for more details.

new org.jooq.meta.jaxb.Configuration()
  .withGenerator(new Generator()
    .withDatabase(new Database()
      .withSyntheticObjects(new SyntheticObjectsType()
          new SyntheticEnumType()

            // Optional name of the enum type in the schema. If left empty, the generated name
            // is concatenated as TABLE_COLUMN

            // Optional regular expression matching all tables that have this enum type.

            // Regular expression matching all fields that have this enum type.

            // An optional, defining comment of the enum
            .withComment("An enumeration for the TABLE.STATUS column.")

            // The following are mutually exclusive settings. If none are provided, and the
            // synthetic enum is named, then it will just reference a previously defined
            // synthetic or actual enum type by name.

            // Specify a query that returns the distinct enum literals
            .withLiteralSql("SELECT DISTINCT status FROM schema.table")

            // Fetch distinct enum literals from the column's content.
            // This is the same as specifying literalSql to be
            // SELECT DISTINCT matched_column FROM matched_table

            // The list of literals is parsed from the applicable CHECK constraints
            // for the matched column, if possible.

See the configuration XSD and programmatic code generation for more details.

import org.jooq.meta.jaxb.*

configuration {
  generator {
    database {
      syntheticObjects {
        enums {
          enum_ {

            // Optional name of the enum type in the schema. If left empty, the generated name
            // is concatenated as TABLE_COLUMN
            name = "EnumName"

            // Optional regular expression matching all tables that have this enum type.
            tables = "SCHEMA\\.TABLE"

            // Regular expression matching all fields that have this enum type.
            fields = "STATUS"

            // An optional, defining comment of the enum
            comment = "An enumeration for the TABLE.STATUS column."

            // The following are mutually exclusive settings. If none are provided, and the
            // synthetic enum is named, then it will just reference a previously defined
            // synthetic or actual enum type by name.
            literals {
              literal = "A"
              literal = "B"

            // Specify a query that returns the distinct enum literals
            literalSql = "SELECT DISTINCT status FROM schema.table"

            // Fetch distinct enum literals from the column's content.
            // This is the same as specifying literalSql to be
            // SELECT DISTINCT matched_column FROM matched_table
            isLiteralsFromColumnContent = true

            // The list of literals is parsed from the applicable CHECK constraints
            // for the matched column, if possible.
            isLiteralsFromCheckConstraints = true

See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.

configuration {
  generator {
    database {
      syntheticObjects {
        enums {
          enum_ {

            // Optional name of the enum type in the schema. If left empty, the generated name
            // is concatenated as TABLE_COLUMN
            name = "EnumName"

            // Optional regular expression matching all tables that have this enum type.
            tables = "SCHEMA\\.TABLE"

            // Regular expression matching all fields that have this enum type.
            fields = "STATUS"

            // An optional, defining comment of the enum
            comment = "An enumeration for the TABLE.STATUS column."

            // The following are mutually exclusive settings. If none are provided, and the
            // synthetic enum is named, then it will just reference a previously defined
            // synthetic or actual enum type by name.
            literals {
              literal = "A"
              literal = "B"

            // Specify a query that returns the distinct enum literals
            literalSql = "SELECT DISTINCT status FROM schema.table"

            // Fetch distinct enum literals from the column's content.
            // This is the same as specifying literalSql to be
            // SELECT DISTINCT matched_column FROM matched_table
            literalsFromColumnContent = true

            // The list of literals is parsed from the applicable CHECK constraints
            // for the matched column, if possible.
            literalsFromCheckConstraints = true

See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.

generationTool {
  generator {
    database {
      syntheticObjects {
        enums {
          enum_ {

            // Optional name of the enum type in the schema. If left empty, the generated name
            // is concatenated as TABLE_COLUMN
            name = "EnumName"

            // Optional regular expression matching all tables that have this enum type.
            tables = "SCHEMA\\.TABLE"

            // Regular expression matching all fields that have this enum type.
            fields = "STATUS"

            // An optional, defining comment of the enum
            comment = "An enumeration for the TABLE.STATUS column."

            // The following are mutually exclusive settings. If none are provided, and the
            // synthetic enum is named, then it will just reference a previously defined
            // synthetic or actual enum type by name.
            literals {
              literal = "A"
              literal = "B"

            // Specify a query that returns the distinct enum literals
            literalSql = "SELECT DISTINCT status FROM schema.table"

            // Fetch distinct enum literals from the column's content.
            // This is the same as specifying literalSql to be
            // SELECT DISTINCT matched_column FROM matched_table
            literalsFromColumnContent = true

            // The list of literals is parsed from the applicable CHECK constraints
            // for the matched column, if possible.
            literalsFromCheckConstraints = true

See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.

As always, when regular expressions are used, they are regular expressions with default flags.

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