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jOOQ and Scala

Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition

As any other library, jOOQ can be easily used in Scala, taking advantage of the many Scala language features such as for example:

  • Optional "." to dereference methods from expressions
  • Optional "(" and ")" to delimit method argument lists
  • Optional ";" at the end of a Scala statement
  • Type inference using "var" and "val" keywords
  • Lambda expressions and for-comprehension syntax for record iteration and data type conversion

But jOOQ also leverages other useful Scala features, such as

  • implicit defs for operator overloading
  • Scala Macros (soon to come)

All of the above heavily improve jOOQ's querying DSL API experience for Scala developers.

A short example jOOQ application in Scala might look like this:

import collection.JavaConversions._                                  // Import implicit defs for iteration over org.jooq.Result
import java.sql.DriverManager                                        //
import org.jooq._                                                    //
import org.jooq.impl._                                               //
import org.jooq.impl.DSL._                                           //
import org.jooq.examples.scala.h2.Tables._                           //
import org.jooq.scalaextensions.Conversions._                        // Import implicit defs for overloaded jOOQ/SQL operators
object Test {                                                        //
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {                            //
    val c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:~/test", "sa", ""); // Standard JDBC connection
    val e = DSL.using(c, SQLDialect.H2);                             //
    val x = AUTHOR as "x"                                            // SQL-esque table aliasing
    for (r <- e                                                      // Iteration over Result. "r" is an org.jooq.Record3
        select (                                                     //
          BOOK.ID * BOOK.AUTHOR_ID,                                  // Using the overloaded "*" operator
          BOOK.ID + BOOK.AUTHOR_ID * 3 + 4,                          // Using the overloaded "+" operator
          BOOK.TITLE || " abc" || " xy"                              // Using the overloaded "||" operator
        )                                                            //
        from BOOK                                                    // No need to use parentheses or "." here
        leftOuterJoin (                                              //
          select (x.ID, x.YEAR_OF_BIRTH)                             // Dereference fields from aliased table
          from x                                                     //
          limit 1                                                    //
          asTable x.getName()                                        //
        )                                                            //
        on BOOK.AUTHOR_ID === x.ID                                   // Using the overloaded "===" operator
        where (BOOK.ID <> 2)                                         // Using the olerloaded "<>" operator
        or (BOOK.TITLE in ("O Alquimista", "Brida"))                 // Neat IN predicate expression
        fetch                                                        //
    ) {                                                              //
      println(r)                                                     //
    }                                                                //
  }                                                                  //

For more details about jOOQ's Scala integration, please refer to the manual's section about SQL building with Scala.


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