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Class names, method names, identifiers

Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition

By default, generated class names, method names, identifiers, etc. follow Java's typical naming conventions.

Assuming a table like this:

CREATE TABLE account_transactions (
  created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
  created_by VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

As a rule of thumb, the following defaults can be assumed for named objects:

  • Class names follow PascalCase naming, i.e. the org.jooq.Table class name is AccountTransactions
  • Records have a Record suffix, i.e. the org.jooq.UpdatableRecord class name is AccountTransactionsRecord
  • Daos have a Dao suffix, i.e. the org.jooq.DAO class name is AccountTransactionsDao
  • Identifiers follow SNAKE_CASE naming, i.e. the org.jooq.Table instance name is ACCOUNT_TRANSACTIONS
  • Path methods follow a camleCase naming, i.e. the org.jooq.Path method name is accountTransactions() (e.g. on a child table)

If these defaults do not convene, or if a workaround needs to be applied for a limitation of the default naming, generator strategies allow for overriding these defaults.


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