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Most types of export formats discussed in the previous sections have an associated formatting configuration object, which can be passed on a per-formatting call, including:

For example, when you want to specify the JSON record layout, as well as remove the header information you can write code like this:

System.out.println("Using the object layout");
System.out.println(result.formatJSON(new JSONFormat().header(false).recordFormat(JSONFormat.RecordFormat.OBJECT)));

System.out.println("Using the array layout");
System.out.println(result.formatJSON(new JSONFormat().header(false).recordFormat(JSONFormat.RecordFormat.ARRAY)));

The output is the following (see also JSON export for details):

Using the object layout
[{"col1": "string1", "col2": 1}, {"col1": "string2", "col2": 2}]

Using the array layout
[["string1", 1],["string2", 2]]

Instead of passing this JSONFormat object to every formatting call, you can also register the org.jooq.FormattingProvider SPI to your Configuration in order to specify the relevant formats that should be applied by default (in the absence of an explicit formatting configuration object).

For example, in order to turn off JSON headers and specify the array layout everywhere, do this:

JSONFormat format = new JSONFormat().header(false).recordFormat(JSONFormat.RecordFormat.ARRAY);
Configuration configuration = create.configuration().derive(FormattingProvider

    // This specifies the format to be used for Record.formatJSON() calls
    .onJsonFormatForRecords(() -> format)

    // This specifies the format to be used for Result.formatJSON() calls
    .onJsonFormatForResults(() -> format));

        .select(BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE)
        .formatJSON() // No need to pass the format here anymore

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