Available in versions: Dev (3.19) | Latest (3.18) | 3.17 | 3.16 | 3.15 | 3.14 | 3.13 | 3.12 | 3.11 | 3.10 | 3.9
GROUP BY empty grouping set
Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition ✅ Express Edition ✅ Professional Edition ✅ Enterprise Edition
A special kind of GROUPING SET is the empty grouping set, which can be achieved in standard SQL and many SQL dialects using GROUP BY ()
. It is implicit, whenever an aggregate function is present in a query, but not an explicit GROUP BY clause.
create.selectCount() .from(BOOK) .groupBy() .fetch();
Dialect support
This example using jOOQ:
Translates to the following dialect specific expressions:
-- ACCESS SELECT count(*) FROM BOOK, (select count(*) dual from MSysResources) as empty_grouping_dummy_table GROUP BY empty_grouping_dummy_table.dual -- ASE, BIGQUERY, SQLDATAWAREHOUSE SELECT count(*) FROM BOOK, (select 1 as dual) as empty_grouping_dummy_table GROUP BY empty_grouping_dummy_table.dual -- AURORA_MYSQL, MEMSQL SELECT count(*) FROM BOOK GROUP BY (SELECT 1 FROM DUAL) -- AURORA_POSTGRES, DB2, DUCKDB, EXASOL, H2, ORACLE, POSTGRES, SQLSERVER, SYBASE, TERADATA, TRINO SELECT count(*) FROM BOOK GROUP BY () -- COCKROACHDB, MARIADB, MYSQL, REDSHIFT, SQLITE, VERTICA, YUGABYTEDB SELECT count(*) FROM BOOK GROUP BY (SELECT 1) -- DERBY, HSQLDB SELECT count(*) FROM BOOK GROUP BY 0 -- FIREBIRD SELECT count(*) FROM BOOK GROUP BY (SELECT 1 FROM RDB$DATABASE) -- HANA, SNOWFLAKE SELECT count(*) FROM BOOK GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (()) -- INFORMIX SELECT count(*) FROM BOOK, (select 1 as dual from systables where tabid = 1) as empty_grouping_dummy_table GROUP BY empty_grouping_dummy_table.dual
(These are currently generated with jOOQ 3.19, see #10141), or translate your own on our website
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