Available in versions: Dev (3.21) | Latest (3.20) | 3.19 | 3.18

Return DEFAULT columns on store

Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition

When using the updatable records feature, jOOQ always fetches the generated identity value, if such a value is availableand if the return identity on store feature is enabled (it is, by default).

The identity value is not the only value that is generated by default. Specifically, there may be other defaulted values, such as creation timestamps and users. Users who wish to also automatically fetch these values after all store(), insert(), or update() calls may do so by specifying the returnDefaultOnUpdatableRecord setting. This setting depends on the availability of INSERT .. RETURNING, UPDATE .. RETURNING, and DELETE .. RETURNING statements, which are not available from all databases, in case of which a refresh() call may be issued, creating a separate round trip to the server.

Example configuration

Settings settings = new Settings()
    .withReturnDefaultOnUpdatableRecord(true); // Defaults to false


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