Class OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ
    extends java.lang.Object
    Oracle AQ related features are located here.
    Lukas Eder
    • Method Detail

      • enqueue

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> void enqueue​(Configuration configuration,
                                                            Queue<R> queue,
                                                            R payload)
        Enqueue a message in an Oracle AQ.
        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        payload - The message payload.
      • dequeueIterable

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> java.lang.Iterable<R> dequeueIterable​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                                     Queue<R> queue)
        Dequeue messages as an Oracle AQ Iterable.

        This returns an infinite Iterable of AQ messages. Messages are dequeued via individual calls to DBMS_AQ, so no resources are bound by the stream. The Iterator is blocking on the AQ until new messages are delivered.

        Individual dequeue calls run in a TransactionalCallable and are committed immediately. Use dequeue(Configuration, Queue) instead, if you want to commit / rollback individual messages.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueIterable

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> java.lang.Iterable<R> dequeueIterable​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                                     Queue<R> queue,
                                                                                     OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options)
        Dequeue messages as an Oracle AQ Iterable.

        This returns an infinite Iterable of AQ messages. Messages are dequeued via individual calls to DBMS_AQ, so no resources are bound by the stream. The Iterator is blocking on the AQ until new messages are delivered.

        Individual dequeue calls run in a TransactionalCallable and are committed immediately. Use dequeue(Configuration, Queue, DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T) instead, if you want to commit / rollback individual messages.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueIterable

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> java.lang.Iterable<R> dequeueIterable​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                                     Queue<R> queue,
                                                                                     OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options,
                                                                                     OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T properties)
        Dequeue messages as an Oracle AQ Iterable.

        This returns an infinite Iterable of AQ messages. Messages are dequeued via individual calls to DBMS_AQ, so no resources are bound by the stream. The Iterator is blocking on the AQ until new messages are delivered.

        Individual dequeue calls run in a TransactionalCallable and are committed immediately. Use dequeue(Configuration, Queue, DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T, MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T) instead, if you want to commit / rollback individual messages.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        properties - The message properties OUT parameter. Resulting values will be stored here.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueStream

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>><R> dequeueStream​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                                        Queue<R> queue)
        Dequeue messages as an Oracle AQ Stream.

        This returns an infinite Stream of AQ messages. Messages are dequeued via individual calls to DBMS_AQ, so no resources are bound by the stream. The stream is blocking on the AQ until new messages are delivered.

        Individual dequeue calls run in a TransactionalCallable and are committed immediately. Use dequeue(Configuration, Queue) instead, if you want to commit / rollback individual messages.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueStream

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>><R> dequeueStream​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                                        Queue<R> queue,
                                                                                        OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options)
        Dequeue messages as an Oracle AQ Stream.

        This returns an infinite Stream of AQ messages. Messages are dequeued via individual calls to DBMS_AQ, so no resources are bound by the stream. The stream is blocking on the AQ until new messages are delivered.

        Individual dequeue calls run in a TransactionalCallable and are committed immediately. Use dequeue(Configuration, Queue, DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T) instead, if you want to commit / rollback individual messages.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueStream

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>><R> dequeueStream​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                                        Queue<R> queue,
                                                                                        OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options,
                                                                                        OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T properties)
        Dequeue messages as an Oracle AQ Stream.

        This returns an infinite Stream of AQ messages. Messages are dequeued via individual calls to DBMS_AQ, so no resources are bound by the stream. The stream is blocking on the AQ until new messages are delivered.

        Individual dequeue calls run in a TransactionalCallable and are committed immediately. Use dequeue(Configuration, Queue, DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T, MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T) instead, if you want to commit / rollback individual messages.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        properties - The message properties OUT parameter. Resulting values will be stored here.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueAsync

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<R> dequeueAsync​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                                                    Queue<R> queue)
        Dequeue a message in an Oracle AQ asynchronously.

        The dequeue call is completed asynchronously in a CompletionStage run in an Executor provided by the configuration's Configuration.executorProvider()

        The dequeue operation will happen in a (nested) transaction. In order to control transaction behaviour, supply a Configuration with appropriate TransactionProvider.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueAsync

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<R> dequeueAsync​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                                                    Queue<R> queue,
                                                                                                    OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options)
        Dequeue a message in an Oracle AQ asynchronously.

        The dequeue call is completed asynchronously in a CompletionStage run in an Executor provided by the configuration's Configuration.executorProvider()

        The dequeue operation will happen in a (nested) transaction. In order to control transaction behaviour, supply a Configuration with appropriate TransactionProvider.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueAsync

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<R> dequeueAsync​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                                                    Queue<R> queue,
                                                                                                    OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options,
                                                                                                    OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T properties)
        Dequeue a message in an Oracle AQ asynchronously.

        The dequeue call is completed asynchronously in a CompletionStage run in an Executor provided by the configuration's Configuration.executorProvider()

        The dequeue operation will happen in a (nested) transaction. In order to control transaction behaviour, supply a Configuration with appropriate TransactionProvider.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        properties - The message properties OUT parameter. Resulting values will be stored here.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueAsync

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<R> dequeueAsync​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                                                                                    Configuration configuration,
                                                                                                    Queue<R> queue)
        Dequeue a message in an Oracle AQ, asynchronously in the given executor.

        The dequeue operation will happen in a (nested) transaction. In order to control transaction behaviour, supply a Configuration with appropriate TransactionProvider.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueAsync

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<R> dequeueAsync​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                                                                                    Configuration configuration,
                                                                                                    Queue<R> queue,
                                                                                                    OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options)
        Dequeue a message in an Oracle AQ, asynchronously in the given executor.

        The dequeue operation will happen in a (nested) transaction. In order to control transaction behaviour, supply a Configuration with appropriate TransactionProvider.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        The message payload.
      • dequeueAsync

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<R> dequeueAsync​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                                                                                    Configuration configuration,
                                                                                                    Queue<R> queue,
                                                                                                    OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options,
                                                                                                    OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T properties)
        Dequeue a message in an Oracle AQ, asynchronously in the given executor.

        The dequeue operation will happen in a (nested) transaction. In order to control transaction behaviour, supply a Configuration with appropriate TransactionProvider.

        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        properties - The message properties OUT parameter. Resulting values will be stored here.
        The message payload.
      • dequeue

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> R dequeue​(Configuration configuration,
                                                         Queue<R> queue)
        Dequeue a message in an Oracle AQ.
        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        The message payload.
      • dequeue

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> R dequeue​(Configuration configuration,
                                                         Queue<R> queue,
                                                         OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options)
        Dequeue a message in an Oracle AQ.
        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        The message payload.
      • dequeue

        public static <R extends UDTRecord<R>> R dequeue​(Configuration configuration,
                                                         Queue<R> queue,
                                                         OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T options,
                                                         OracleDSL.DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T properties)
        Dequeue a message in an Oracle AQ.
        configuration - The configuration from which to get a connection.
        queue - The queue reference.
        options - The dequeue options.
        properties - The message properties OUT parameter. Resulting values will be stored here.
        The message payload.