@NotNull Condition |
Condition.and(SQL sql) |
Combine this condition with another one using the Operator.AND
@NotNull DeleteConditionStep<R> |
DeleteConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator
@NotNull DivideByOnConditionStep |
DivideByOnConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator.
@NotNull InsertOnConflictConditionStep<R> |
InsertOnConflictConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull MergeOnConditionStep<R> |
MergeOnConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectConditionStep<R> |
SelectConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectConnectByAfterStartWithConditionStep<R> |
SelectConnectByAfterStartWithConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectConnectByConditionStep<R> |
SelectConnectByConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectHavingConditionStep<R> |
SelectHavingConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectOnConditionStep<R> |
SelectOnConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectQualifyConditionStep<R> |
SelectQualifyConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull TableOnConditionStep<R> |
TableOnConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator.
@NotNull UpdateConditionStep<R> |
UpdateConditionStep.and(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.AND operator
@NotNull CreateViewFinalStep |
CreateViewAsStep.as(SQL sql) |
Add an AS clause to the CREATE VIEW statement.
@NotNull SelectConnectByAfterStartWithConditionStep<R> |
SelectConnectByAfterStartWithStep.connectBy(SQL sql) |
Add an Oracle-specific CONNECT BY clause to the query
@NotNull SelectConnectByConditionStep<R> |
SelectConnectByStep.connectBy(SQL sql) |
Add an Oracle-specific CONNECT BY clause to the query
@NotNull SelectConnectByAfterStartWithConditionStep<R> |
SelectConnectByAfterStartWithStep.connectByNoCycle(SQL sql) |
Add an Oracle-specific CONNECT BY NOCYCLE clause to the
@NotNull SelectConnectByConditionStep<R> |
SelectConnectByStep.connectByNoCycle(SQL sql) |
Add an Oracle-specific CONNECT BY NOCYCLE clause to the
@NotNull SelectJoinStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.crossApply(SQL sql) |
CROSS APPLY a table to this table.
@NotNull Table<Record> |
Table.crossApply(SQL sql) |
CROSS APPLY a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectJoinStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.crossJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull Table<Record> |
Table.crossJoin(SQL sql) |
CROSS JOIN a table to this table.
int |
DSLContext.execute(SQL sql) |
Execute a query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull Result<Record> |
DSLContext.fetch(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull CompletionStage<Result<Record>> |
DSLContext.fetchAsync(Executor executor,
SQL sql) |
Fetch results in a new CompletionStage that is asynchronously
completed by a task running in the given executor.
@NotNull CompletionStage<Result<Record>> |
DSLContext.fetchAsync(SQL sql) |
@NotNull Cursor<Record> |
DSLContext.fetchLazy(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL and "lazily" return the generated
@NotNull Results |
DSLContext.fetchMany(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL, possibly returning several result
@Nullable Record |
DSLContext.fetchOne(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull Optional<Record> |
DSLContext.fetchOptional(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull Optional<?> |
DSLContext.fetchOptionalValue(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull Record |
DSLContext.fetchSingle(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull Stream<Record> |
DSLContext.fetchStream(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL and "lazily" return the generated
@Nullable Object |
DSLContext.fetchValue(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull List<?> |
DSLContext.fetchValues(SQL sql) |
Execute a new query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull WindowBeforeOverStep<T> |
AggregateFilterStep.filterWhere(SQL sql) |
Add a FILTER clause to the aggregate function.
@NotNull SelectJoinStep<R> |
SelectFromStep.from(SQL sql) |
Add a FROM clause to the query.
@NotNull UpdateWhereStep<R> |
UpdateFromStep.from(SQL sql) |
Add a FROM clause to the query.
@NotNull SelectOnStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.fullJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull TableOnStep<Record> |
Table.fullJoin(SQL sql) |
FULL OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectOnStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.fullOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull TableOnStep<Record> |
Table.fullOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
FULL OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectHavingConditionStep<R> |
SelectHavingStep.having(SQL sql) |
Add a HAVING clause to the query.
@NotNull SelectOnStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.innerJoin(SQL sql) |
Convenience method to INNER JOIN a table to the last table
added to the FROM clause using Table.join(String) .
@NotNull TableOnStep<Record> |
Table.innerJoin(SQL sql) |
INNER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectOnStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.join(SQL sql) |
Convenience method to INNER JOIN a table to the last table
added to the FROM clause using Table.join(String) .
@NotNull TableOnStep<Record> |
Table.join(SQL sql) |
INNER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectJoinPartitionByStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.leftJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull TablePartitionByStep<Record> |
Table.leftJoin(SQL sql) |
LEFT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull TableOnStep<Record> |
TableOuterJoinStep.leftJoin(SQL sql) |
LEFT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectJoinPartitionByStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.leftOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull TablePartitionByStep<Record> |
Table.leftOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
LEFT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull TableOnStep<Record> |
TableOuterJoinStep.leftOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
LEFT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectJoinStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.naturalFullOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull Table<Record> |
Table.naturalFullOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectJoinStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.naturalJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull Table<Record> |
Table.naturalJoin(SQL sql) |
NATURAL JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectJoinStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.naturalLeftOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull Table<Record> |
Table.naturalLeftOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectJoinStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.naturalRightOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull Table<Record> |
Table.naturalRightOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull DivideByOnConditionStep |
DivideByOnStep.on(SQL sql) |
Add a division condition to the DIVIDE BY clause
@NotNull MergeOnConditionStep<R> |
MergeOnStep.on(SQL sql) |
Provide join conditions and proceed to the next step
@NotNull SelectOnConditionStep<R> |
SelectOnStep.on(SQL sql) |
Add an ON clause to the previous JOIN .
@NotNull TableOnConditionStep<R> |
TableOnStep.on(SQL sql) |
Add an ON clause to the JOIN .
@NotNull Condition |
Condition.or(SQL sql) |
Combine this condition with another one using the Operator.OR
@NotNull DeleteConditionStep<R> |
DeleteConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator
@NotNull DivideByOnConditionStep |
DivideByOnConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator.
@NotNull InsertOnConflictConditionStep<R> |
InsertOnConflictConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull MergeOnConditionStep<R> |
MergeOnConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectConditionStep<R> |
SelectConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectHavingConditionStep<R> |
SelectHavingConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectOnConditionStep<R> |
SelectOnConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull SelectQualifyConditionStep<R> |
SelectQualifyConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator and proceed to the next step.
@NotNull TableOnConditionStep<R> |
TableOnConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator.
@NotNull UpdateConditionStep<R> |
UpdateConditionStep.or(SQL sql) |
Combine the currently assembled conditions with another one using the
Operator.OR operator
@NotNull SelectJoinStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.outerApply(SQL sql) |
OUTER APPLY a table to this table.
@NotNull Table<Record> |
Table.outerApply(SQL sql) |
OUTER APPLY a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectQualifyConditionStep<R> |
SelectQualifyStep.qualify(SQL sql) |
Add a QUALIFY clause to the query.
@NotNull RowCountQuery |
DSLContext.query(SQL sql) |
Create a new query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull ResultQuery<Record> |
DSLContext.resultQuery(SQL sql) |
Create a new query holding plain SQL.
@NotNull SelectJoinPartitionByStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.rightJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull TablePartitionByStep<Record> |
Table.rightJoin(SQL sql) |
RIGHT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull TableOnStep<Record> |
TableOuterJoinStep.rightJoin(SQL sql) |
RIGHT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectJoinPartitionByStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.rightOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
@NotNull TablePartitionByStep<Record> |
Table.rightOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
RIGHT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull TableOnStep<Record> |
TableOuterJoinStep.rightOuterJoin(SQL sql) |
RIGHT OUTER JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull SelectWhereStep<Record> |
DSLContext.selectFrom(SQL sql) |
Create a new DSL select statement, projecting * .
@NotNull SelectWhereStep<Record> |
WithStep.selectFrom(SQL sql) |
Create a new DSL select statement, projecting * .
@NotNull SelectConnectByAfterStartWithStep<R> |
SelectConnectByStep.startWith(SQL sql) |
Add an Oracle-specific START WITH clause to the query's
CONNECT BY clause.
@NotNull SelectGroupByStep<R> |
SelectStartWithStep.startWith(SQL sql) |
Add an Oracle-specific START WITH clause to the query's
CONNECT BY clause.
@NotNull CreateTableFinalStep |
CreateTableStorageStep.storage(SQL sql) |
Add vendor-specific storage clauses to the CREATE TABLE statement.
@NotNull SelectOnStep<R> |
SelectJoinStep.straightJoin(SQL sql) |
STRAIGHT_JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull TableOnStep<Record> |
Table.straightJoin(SQL sql) |
STRAIGHT_JOIN a table to this table.
@NotNull DeleteWhereStep<R> |
DeleteUsingStep.using(SQL sql) |
Add a USING clause to the query.
@NotNull MergeMatchedThenStep<R> |
MergeMatchedStep.whenMatchedAnd(SQL sql) |
Add the WHEN MATCHED AND clause to the
MERGE statement.
@NotNull CreateIndexFinalStep |
CreateIndexWhereStep.where(SQL sql) |
Add a WHERE clause to create a partial index.
@NotNull DeleteConditionStep<R> |
DeleteWhereStep.where(SQL sql) |
Add conditions to the query.
@NotNull InsertOnConflictDoUpdateStep<R> |
InsertOnConflictWhereIndexPredicateStep.where(SQL sql) |
Add a WHERE clause to supply an index predicate to the
INSERT statement's ON CONFLICT ... clause.
@NotNull InsertOnConflictConditionStep<R> |
InsertOnConflictWhereStep.where(SQL sql) |
Add a WHERE clause to the INSERT statement's
@NotNull SelectConditionStep<R> |
SelectWhereStep.where(SQL sql) |
Add a WHERE clause to the query.
@NotNull Table<R> |
Table.where(SQL sql) |
Add a WHERE clause to the table.
@NotNull UpdateConditionStep<R> |
UpdateWhereStep.where(SQL sql) |
Add conditions to the query
@NotNull Table<R> |
Table.with(SQL hint) |
Specify a SQL Server style table hint for query optimisation.