Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface CreateTableStorageStep

All Superinterfaces:
Attachable, AttachableQueryPart, AutoCloseable, CreateTableFinalStep, DDLQuery, Flow.Publisher<Integer>, Publisher<Integer>, org.reactivestreams.Publisher<Integer>, Query, QueryPart, RowCountQuery, Serializable, Statement
All Known Subinterfaces:
CreateTableColumnStep, CreateTableCommentStep, CreateTableConstraintStep, CreateTableIndexStep, CreateTableOnCommitStep, CreateTableWithDataStep

public interface CreateTableStorageStep extends CreateTableFinalStep
A Query that can create tables.

Referencing XYZ*Step types directly from client code

It is usually not recommended to reference any XYZ*Step types directly from client code, or assign them to local variables. When writing dynamic SQL, creating a statement's components dynamically, and passing them to the DSL API statically is usually a better choice. See the manual's section about dynamic SQL for details:

Drawbacks of referencing the XYZ*Step types directly:

  • They're operating on mutable implementations (as of jOOQ 3.x)
  • They're less composable and not easy to get right when dynamic SQL gets complex
  • They're less readable
  • They might have binary incompatible changes between minor releases
Lukas Eder
  • Method Details

    • storage

      Add vendor-specific storage clauses to the CREATE TABLE statement.

      Storage clauses will always be appended to the end of everything else that jOOQ renders, including possibly other storage clauses, such as CreateTableOnCommitStep.onCommitDeleteRows() or similar clauses. If custom storage clauses should be mixed with jOOQ-provided storage clauses, it is recommended not to use the jOOQ API and use the custom clause API for all storage clauses instead.

      Storage clauses will be separated from previous elements by a separator (whitespace or newline) to ensure syntactic integrity.

      Example usage:

          .column(field("i", SQLDataType.INTEGER))
          .storage("TABLESPACE my_tablespace")

      NOTE: When inserting plain SQL into jOOQ objects, you must guarantee syntax integrity. You may also create the possibility of malicious SQL injection. Be sure to properly use bind variables and/or escape literals when concatenated into SQL clauses! One way to escape literals is to use and similar methods

      sql - The SQL
    • storage

      Add vendor-specific storage clauses to the CREATE TABLE statement.

      Storage clauses will always be appended to the end of everything else that jOOQ renders, including possibly other storage clauses, such as CreateTableOnCommitStep.onCommitDeleteRows() or similar clauses. If custom storage clauses should be mixed with jOOQ-provided storage clauses, it is recommended not to use the jOOQ API and use the custom clause API for all storage clauses instead.

      Storage clauses will be separated from previous elements by a separator (whitespace or newline) to ensure syntactic integrity.

      Example usage:

          .column(field("i", SQLDataType.INTEGER))
          .storage("TABLESPACE my_tablespace")

      NOTE: When inserting plain SQL into jOOQ objects, you must guarantee syntax integrity. You may also create the possibility of malicious SQL injection. Be sure to properly use bind variables and/or escape literals when concatenated into SQL clauses! One way to escape literals is to use and similar methods

      sql - The SQL
    • storage

      @NotNull @CheckReturnValue @Support @PlainSQL @NotNull CreateTableFinalStep storage(String sql, Object... bindings)
      Add vendor-specific storage clauses to the CREATE TABLE statement.

      Storage clauses will always be appended to the end of everything else that jOOQ renders, including possibly other storage clauses, such as CreateTableOnCommitStep.onCommitDeleteRows() or similar clauses. If custom storage clauses should be mixed with jOOQ-provided storage clauses, it is recommended not to use the jOOQ API and use the custom clause API for all storage clauses instead.

      Storage clauses will be separated from previous elements by a separator (whitespace or newline) to ensure syntactic integrity.

      Example usage:

          .column(field("i", SQLDataType.INTEGER))
          .storage("TABLESPACE my_tablespace")

      NOTE: When inserting plain SQL into jOOQ objects, you must guarantee syntax integrity. You may also create the possibility of malicious SQL injection. Be sure to properly use bind variables and/or escape literals when concatenated into SQL clauses! One way to escape literals is to use and similar methods

      sql - The SQL
      bindings - The bindings
    • storage

      @NotNull @CheckReturnValue @Support @PlainSQL @NotNull CreateTableFinalStep storage(String sql, QueryPart... parts)
      Add vendor-specific storage clauses to the CREATE TABLE statement.

      Storage clauses will always be appended to the end of everything else that jOOQ renders, including possibly other storage clauses, such as CreateTableOnCommitStep.onCommitDeleteRows() or similar clauses. If custom storage clauses should be mixed with jOOQ-provided storage clauses, it is recommended not to use the jOOQ API and use the custom clause API for all storage clauses instead.

      Storage clauses will be separated from previous elements by a separator (whitespace or newline) to ensure syntactic integrity.

      Example usage:

          .column(field("i", SQLDataType.INTEGER))
          .storage("TABLESPACE my_tablespace")

      NOTE: When inserting plain SQL into jOOQ objects, you must guarantee syntax integrity. You may also create the possibility of malicious SQL injection. Be sure to properly use bind variables and/or escape literals when concatenated into SQL clauses! One way to escape literals is to use and similar methods

      sql - The SQL
      parts - The QueryPart objects that are rendered at the {numbered placeholder} locations