Uses of Class
Packages that use Settings
This package contains jOOQ's public API.
This package contains jOOQ's implementation classes.
This package contains compatibility classes to bridge between JDBC 4.0 and
JDBC 4.1.
Uses of Settings in org.jooq
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription@NotNull Settings
Retrieve the runtime configuration settings.@NotNull Settings
The settings wrapped by this context.@NotNull Settings
The settings wrapped by this context.Modifier and TypeMethodDescription@NotNull Configuration
Create a derived configuration from this one, with new settings.@NotNull Configuration
Change this configuration to hold a new settings.Modifier and TypeMethodDescription@NotNull Configuration
(Function<? super Settings, ? extends Settings> newSettings) Create a derived configuration from this one, with new settings constructed from a clone of the current settings.@NotNull Configuration
(Function<? super Settings, ? extends Settings> newSettings) Create a derived configuration from this one, with new settings constructed from a clone of the current settings. -
Uses of Settings in org.jooq.conf
Methods in org.jooq.conf that return SettingsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic final Settings
Clone some settings.ObjectFactory.createSettings()
Create an instance ofSettings
static final Settings
Retrieve the configured default settings.Settings.withApplyWorkaroundFor7962
(Boolean value) Settings.withAttachRecords
(Boolean value) Settings.withBackslashEscaping
(BackslashEscaping value) Whether string literals should be escaped with backslash.Settings.withBatchSize
(Integer value) A property specifying a batch size that should be applied to all automatically createdBatchedConnection
(Boolean value) Settings.withBindOffsetTimeType
(Boolean value) Settings.withCacheParsingConnection
(Boolean value) Settings.withCacheParsingConnectionLRUCacheSize
(Integer value) The default implementation of the ParsingConnection cache's LRU cache size.Settings.withCachePreparedStatementInLoader
(Boolean value) Settings.withCacheRecordMappers
(Boolean value) Settings.withDebugInfoOnStackTrace
(Boolean value) Settings.withDelimiter
(String value) [#5826] The delimiter character to be used to delimit statements in batches.Settings.withEmulateMultiset
(NestedCollectionEmulation value) [#3884] HowMULTISET
support should be emulated.Settings.withEmulateOnDuplicateKeyUpdateOnPrimaryKeyOnly
(Boolean value) Settings.withExecuteDeleteWithoutWhere
(ExecuteWithoutWhere value) [#6771] Specifies whether DELETE statements are allowed to be executed lacking a WHERE clause.Settings.withExecuteListenerEndInvocationOrder
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registeredExecuteListener
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registeredExecuteListener
(Boolean value) Settings.withExecuteUpdateWithoutWhere
(ExecuteWithoutWhere value) [#6771] Specifies whether UPDATE statements are allowed to be executed lacking a WHERE clause.Settings.withExecuteWithOptimisticLocking
(Boolean value) Settings.withExecuteWithOptimisticLockingExcludeUnversioned
(Boolean value) Settings.withFetchIntermediateResult
(FetchIntermediateResult value) Whether to fetch data into intermediateResult
(Integer value) Whether server output should be fetched after each query execution.Settings.withFetchSize
(Integer value) The default JDBC fetchSize property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific fetchSize value was specified.Settings.withFetchTriggerValuesAfterSQLServerOutput
(Boolean value) Settings.withFetchWarnings
(Boolean value) Settings.withForceIntegerTypesOnZeroScaleDecimals
(Boolean value) Settings.withInlineThreshold
(Integer value) The maximum number of allowed bind variables before inlining all values where0
uses the dialect defaults:SQLDialect.ACCESS
: 768SQLDialect.ASE
: 2000SQLDialect.INGRES
: 1024SQLDialect.ORACLE
: 32767SQLDialect.POSTGRES
: 32767SQLDialect.SQLITE
: 2100Settings.withInListPadBase
(Integer value) [#7095] The base to use to calculate the powers of when applying in list padding.Settings.withInListPadding
(Boolean value) Settings.withInsertUnchangedRecords
(Boolean value) Settings.withInterpreterDelayForeignKeyDeclarations
(Boolean value) Settings.withInterpreterDialect
(SQLDialect value) [#7337] The dialect that should be used to interpret SQL DDL statements.Settings.withInterpreterLocale
(Locale value) The Locale to be used with any interpreter locale dependent logic, defaulting togetLocale()
.[#9633] The case sensitivity of identifiers used when interpreting SQL DDL statements.Settings.withInterpreterSearchPath
(Collection<InterpreterSearchSchema> values) Settings.withInterpreterSearchPath
(List<InterpreterSearchSchema> interpreterSearchPath) Settings.withInterpreterSearchPath
(InterpreterSearchSchema... values) Settings.withLocale
(Locale value) The Locale to be used with any locale dependent logic if there is not a more specific locale available.Settings.withMapConstructorParameterNames
(Boolean value) Settings.withMapConstructorParameterNamesInKotlin
(Boolean value) Settings.withMapConstructorPropertiesParameterNames
(Boolean value) Settings.withMapJPAAnnotations
(Boolean value) Settings.withMapRecordComponentParameterNames
(Boolean value) Settings.withMaxRows
(Integer value) The default JDBC maxRows property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific maxRows value was specified.Settings.withMetaIncludeSystemIndexes
(Boolean value) Settings.withMetaIncludeSystemSequences
(Boolean value) Settings.withMigrationAllowsUndo
(Boolean value) Settings.withMigrationAutoBaseline
(Boolean value) Settings.withMigrationAutoValidation
(Boolean value) Settings.withMigrationIgnoreDefaultTimestampPrecisionDiffs
(Boolean value) Settings.withMigrationListenerEndInvocationOrder
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registeredMigrationListener
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registeredMigrationListener
(Boolean value) Settings.withMigrationSchemata
(Collection<MigrationSchema> values) Settings.withMigrationSchemata
(List<MigrationSchema> migrationSchemata) Settings.withMigrationSchemata
(MigrationSchema... values) Settings.withNamePathSeparator
(String value) The character(s) to be used as a separator in paths encoded in aName
(ParamCastMode value) Whether rendered bind values should be cast to their respective type.Settings.withParamType
(ParamType value) Specify how bind variables are to be rendered.Settings.withParseAppendMissingTableReferences
(Transformation value) Transform the parsed SQL to append missing table references to the query'sFROM
clause, if applicable.Settings.withParseDateFormat
(String value) The date format to use when parsing functions whose behaviour depends on some session date format, such as NLS_DATE_FORMAT in OracleSettings.withParseDialect
(SQLDialect value) [#7337] The input dialect that should be chosen to disambiguate ambiguous SQL syntax.Settings.withParseIgnoreComments
(Boolean value) Settings.withParseIgnoreCommentStart
(String value) [#8325] The ignore comment start tokenSettings.withParseIgnoreCommentStop
(String value) [#8325] The ignore comment stop tokenSettings.withParseLocale
(Locale value) The Locale to be used with any parser locale dependent logic, defaulting togetLocale()
(Boolean value) Settings.withParseNameCase
(ParseNameCase value) [#7337] The default name case for parsed identifiers.Settings.withParseNamedParamPrefix
(String value) The prefix to use for named parameters in parsed SQL.Settings.withParseRetainCommentsBetweenQueries
(Boolean value) Settings.withParseSearchPath
(Collection<ParseSearchSchema> values) Settings.withParseSearchPath
(List<ParseSearchSchema> parseSearchPath) Settings.withParseSearchPath
(ParseSearchSchema... values) Settings.withParseSetCommands
(Boolean value) Settings.withParseTimestampFormat
(String value) The timestamp format to use when parsing functions whose behaviour depends on some session date format, such as NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT in OracleSettings.withParseUnknownFunctions
(ParseUnknownFunctions value) [#7344] Whether the parser should accept unknown functions.Settings.withParseUnsupportedSyntax
(ParseUnsupportedSyntax value) [#5917] Whether the parser should accept unsupported (but known) syntax.Settings.withParseWithMetaLookups
(ParseWithMetaLookups value) [#7163] Whether the parser should perform meta lookups in the Configuration's MetaProvider.Settings.withQueryPoolable
(QueryPoolable value) The default JDBC poolable property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific poolable flag was specified.Settings.withQueryTimeout
(Integer value) The default JDBC queryTimeout property that should be applied to all jOOQ queries, for which no specific queryTimeout was specified.Settings.withReadonlyInsert
(WriteIfReadonly value) Settings.withReadonlyTableRecordInsert
(WriteIfReadonly value) [#9864] The behaviour when trying to insert into readonly columns usingTableRecord.insert()
(WriteIfReadonly value) [#9864] The behaviour when trying to update a readonly column usingUpdatableRecord.update()
(WriteIfReadonly value) Settings.withRecordListenerEndInvocationOrder
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registeredRecordListener
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registeredRecordListener
(Boolean value) Settings.withRenderCatalog
(Boolean value) Settings.withRenderCoalesceToEmptyStringInConcat
(Boolean value) Settings.withRenderDefaultNullability
(RenderDefaultNullability value) Whether theNullability.DEFAULT
nullablity should be rendered in generated DDL, and how it should be rendered.Settings.withRenderFormatted
(Boolean value) Settings.withRenderFormatting
(RenderFormatting value) All sorts of formatting flags / settings.Settings.withRenderGroupConcatMaxLenSessionVariable
(Boolean value) Settings.withRenderImplicitJoinType
(RenderImplicitJoinType value) The join type to be generated by implicit joins.Settings.withRenderImplicitWindowRange
(RenderImplicitWindowRange value) Whether to render an explicit windowRANGE
clause when an implicit clause is applied.Settings.withRenderKeywordCase
(RenderKeywordCase value) Whether the case ofKeyword
references should be modified in any way.Settings.withRenderKeywordStyle
(RenderKeywordStyle value) Deprecated.Settings.withRenderLocale
(Locale value) The Locale to be used with any render locale dependent logic (as e.g.Settings.withRenderMapping
(RenderMapping value) Configure render mapping for runtime schema / table rewriting in generated SQL.Settings.withRenderNameCase
(RenderNameCase value) Whether the case ofName
references should be modified in any way.Settings.withRenderNamedParamPrefix
(String value) The prefix to use for named parameters in generated SQL.Settings.withRenderNameStyle
(RenderNameStyle value) Deprecated.- 3.12.0 - [#5909] - UseRenderQuotedNames
(RenderOptionalKeyword value) Whether to render the optionalAS
keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect.Settings.withRenderOptionalAsKeywordForTableAliases
(RenderOptionalKeyword value) Whether to render the optionalAS
keyword in table aliases, if it is optional in the output dialect.Settings.withRenderOptionalInnerKeyword
(RenderOptionalKeyword value) Whether to render the optionalINNER
keyword inINNER JOIN
, if it is optional in the output dialect.Settings.withRenderOptionalOuterKeyword
(RenderOptionalKeyword value) Whether to render the optionalOUTER
keyword inOUTER JOIN
, if it is optional in the output dialect.Settings.withRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination
(Boolean value) Settings.withRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause
(Boolean value) Settings.withRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries
(Boolean value) Settings.withRenderQuotedNames
(RenderQuotedNames value) Whether rendered schema, table, column names, etc should be quoted.Settings.withRenderScalarSubqueriesForStoredFunctions
(Boolean value) Settings.withRenderSchema
(Boolean value) Settings.withReturnAllOnUpdatableRecord
(Boolean value) Settings.withReturnIdentityOnUpdatableRecord
(Boolean value) Settings.withReturnRecordToPojo
(Boolean value) Settings.withStatementType
(StatementType value) The type of statement that is to be executed.Settings.withThrowExceptions
(ThrowExceptions value) A strategy defining how exceptions from the database / JDBC driver should be propagatedSettings.withTransactionListenerEndInvocationOrder
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registeredTransactionListener
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registeredTransactionListener
(Boolean value) Transform a subquery from an IN condition with LIMIT to an equivalent derived table.Settings.withTransformQualify
(Transformation value) Transform theQUALIFY
clause to an equivalent derived table to filter on window functions.Settings.withTransformRownum
(Transformation value) TransformROWNUM
expressions to correspondingLIMIT
clauses orROW_NUMBER()
(Boolean value) Transform arithmetic expressions on literals and bind variables.Settings.withUpdatablePrimaryKeys
(Boolean value) Settings.withUpdateRecordTimestamp
(Boolean value) Settings.withUpdateRecordVersion
(Boolean value) Settings.withUpdateUnchangedRecords
(UpdateUnchangedRecords value) WhetherUpdatableRecord.update()
calls should be executed if the record is unchanged.Settings.withVisitListenerEndInvocationOrder
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]end() methods registeredVisitListener
(InvocationOrder value) The order of invocation for [action]start() methods registeredVisitListener
s.Methods in org.jooq.conf that return types with arguments of type SettingsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement<Settings>
(Settings value) Methods in org.jooq.conf with parameters of type SettingsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic final Settings
Clone some settings.jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement<Settings>
(Settings value) static final boolean
(Settings settings) Whether aPreparedStatement
should be executed.static final boolean
(Settings settings) Whether staticStatement
should be executed.static final BackslashEscaping
(Settings settings) Get the value BackslashEscaping value.static final int
(Settings settings) Return the specifiedgetBatchSize()
.static final ExecuteWithoutWhere
(Settings settings) Lazy access togetExecuteDeleteWithoutWhere()
.static final ExecuteWithoutWhere
(Settings settings) Lazy access togetExecuteUpdateWithoutWhere()
.static final int
(int fetchServerOutputSize, Settings settings) static final int
(int fetchSize, Settings settings) static final int
(int maxRows, Settings settings) static final ParamType
(Settings settings) Get the parameter type from the settings.static final QueryPoolable
(QueryPoolable poolable, Settings settings) static final int
(int timeout, Settings settings) static final RenderKeywordCase
(Settings settings) Backwards compatible access toRenderKeywordCase
(the latter being deprecated).static final RenderMapping
(Settings settings) Lazy access toRenderMapping
.static final RenderNameCase
(Settings settings) Backwards compatible access toRenderNameCase
(the latter being deprecated).static final RenderQuotedNames
(Settings settings) Backwards compatible access toRenderQuotedNames
(the latter being deprecated).static final StatementType
(Settings settings) Get the statement type from the settings.static final TransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions
(Settings settings) Lazy access togetTransformUnneededArithmeticExpressions()
.static final Locale
(Settings settings) The interpreter locale that is applicable, or the default locale if no such locale is configured.static final Locale
The render locale that is applicable, or the default locale if no such locale is configured.static final Locale
(Settings settings) The parser locale that is applicable, or the default locale if no such locale is configured.static final boolean
(Settings settings) Whether parsing connection caching is active.static final boolean
(Settings settings) Whether record mapper caching is active.static final boolean
(Settings settings) Whether reflection caching is active.static final Locale
(Settings settings) The render locale that is applicable, or the default locale if no such locale is configured.static final boolean
(Settings settings) Whether primary keys should be updatable. -
Uses of Settings in org.jooq.impl
Methods in org.jooq.impl that return SettingsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDAOImpl.settings()
final Settings
Methods in org.jooq.impl with parameters of type SettingsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal Configuration
final Configuration
final void
(Settings newSettings) static @NotNull DSLContext
(io.r2dbc.spi.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) Create an executor with a custom R2DBC connection factory, a dialect and settings configured.static @NotNull DSLContext
(io.r2dbc.spi.Connection connection, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) Create an executor with a custom R2DBC connection, a dialect and settings configured.static @NotNull DSLContext
(Connection connection, Settings settings) Create an executor with a connection, a dialect and settings configured.static @NotNull DSLContext
(Connection connection, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) Create an executor with a connection, a dialect and settings configured.static @NotNull DSLContext
(DataSource datasource, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) Create an executor with a data source, a dialect and settings configured.static @NotNull DSLContext
(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) Create an executor with a custom connection provider, a dialect and settings configured.static @NotNull DSLContext
(SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) Create an executor with a dialect and settings configured.Method parameters in org.jooq.impl with type arguments of type SettingsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal Configuration
(Function<? super Settings, ? extends Settings> newSettings) final Configuration
(Function<? super Settings, ? extends Settings> newSettings) Constructors in org.jooq.impl with parameters of type SettingsModifierConstructorDescriptionDefaultCloseableDSLContext
(io.r2dbc.spi.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) DefaultCloseableDSLContext
(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) DefaultDSLContext
(io.r2dbc.spi.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) DefaultDSLContext
(Connection connection, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) DefaultDSLContext
(DataSource datasource, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) DefaultDSLContext
(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider, SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) DefaultDSLContext
(SQLDialect dialect, Settings settings) -
Uses of Settings in
Methods in that return SettingsMethods in with parameters of type SettingsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMethod parameters in with type arguments of type SettingsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMockConfiguration.deriveSettings
(Function<? super Settings, ? extends Settings> newSettings) MockConfiguration.deriveSettings
(Function<? super Settings, ? extends Settings> newSettings)