specific DSL.- Author:
- Lukas Eder
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic final class
Oracle AQ related features are located here. -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-Text specificCATSEARCH
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-Text specificCONTAINS
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-Text specificCONTAINS
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-Text specificMATCHES
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-Text specificCONTAINS
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
(int label) The Oracle-Text specificMATCH_SCORE
function.The Oracle-specificORA_ROWSCN
The Oracle-specificROWID
The Oracle-specificROWNUM
The Oracle-specificORA_ROWSCN
(Number scn) The Oracle-specificSCN_TO_TIMESTAMP
(Field<? extends Number> scn) The Oracle-specificSCN_TO_TIMESTAMP
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
(int label) The Oracle-Text specificSCORE
(String namespace, String parameter) The Oracle-specificSYS_CONTEXT
(String namespace, String parameter, int length) The Oracle-specificSYS_CONTEXT
(Date timestamp) The Oracle-specificTIMESTAMP_TO_SCN
(Field<? extends Date> scn) The Oracle-specificTIMESTAMP_TO_SCN
function.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function.static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal>
The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function.The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_ENDSCN
pseudo-field.The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_ENDTIME
pseudo-field.The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_OPERATION
pseudo-field.The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_STARTSCN
pseudo-field.The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_STARTTIME
pseudo-field.The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_XID
pseudo-field.Methods inherited from class org.jooq.impl.DSL
abs, abs, acos, acos, aggregate, aggregate, aggregate, aggregate, aggregateDistinct, aggregateDistinct, aggregateDistinct, aggregateDistinct, all, all, all, all, alterDatabase, alterDatabase, alterDatabase, alterDatabaseIfExists, alterDatabaseIfExists, alterDatabaseIfExists, alterDomain, alterDomain, alterDomain, alterDomainIfExists, alterDomainIfExists, alterDomainIfExists, alterIndex, alterIndex, alterIndex, alterIndexIfExists, alterIndexIfExists, alterIndexIfExists, alterSchema, alterSchema, alterSchema, alterSchemaIfExists, alterSchemaIfExists, alterSchemaIfExists, alterSequence, alterSequence, alterSequence, alterSequenceIfExists, alterSequenceIfExists, alterSequenceIfExists, alterTable, alterTable, alterTable, alterTableIfExists, alterTableIfExists, alterTableIfExists, alterType, alterType, alterView, alterView, alterView, alterViewIfExists, alterViewIfExists, alterViewIfExists, and, and, and, any, any, any, any, anyValue, array, array, array, array, arrayAgg, arrayAggDistinct, arrayGet, arrayGet, ascii, ascii, asin, asin, asterisk, atan, atan, atan2, atan2, atan2, atan2, avg, avgDistinct, begin, begin, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitAndAgg, bitCount, bitCount, bitLength, bitLength, bitNand, bitNand, bitNand, bitNand, bitNor, bitNor, bitNor, bitNor, bitNot, bitNot, bitOr, bitOr, bitOr, bitOr, bitOrAgg, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXor, bitXor, bitXor, bitXor, bitXorAgg, boolAnd, boolAnd, boolOr, boolOr, call, call, cardinality, case_, case_, case_, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, castNull, castNull, castNull, catalog, catalog, ceil, ceil, century, century, century, characterSet, characterSet, charLength, charLength, check, choose, choose, choose, choose, choose, choose, choose, chr, chr, coalesce, coalesce, coalesce, coerce, coerce, coerce, coerce, coerce, coerce, collation, collation, collect, collect, collectDistinct, collectDistinct, comment, commentOnColumn, commentOnColumn, commentOnColumn, commentOnTable, commentOnTable, commentOnTable, commentOnView, commentOnView, commentOnView, concat, concat, concat, concat, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, connectByIsCycle, connectByIsLeaf, connectByRoot, constraint, constraint, constraint, continue_, continue_, continueWhen, continueWhen, convert, convert, corr, cos, cos, cosh, cosh, cot, cot, coth, coth, count, count, count, count, countDistinct, countDistinct, countDistinct, countDistinct, covarPop, covarSamp, createDatabase, createDatabase, createDatabase, createDatabaseIfNotExists, createDatabaseIfNotExists, createDatabaseIfNotExists, createDomain, createDomain, createDomain, createDomainIfNotExists, createDomainIfNotExists, createDomainIfNotExists, createFunction, createFunction, createGlobalTemporaryTable, createGlobalTemporaryTable, createGlobalTemporaryTable, createIndex, createIndex, createIndex, createIndex, createIndexIfNotExists, createIndexIfNotExists, createIndexIfNotExists, createIndexIfNotExists, createOrReplaceFunction, createOrReplaceFunction, createOrReplaceProcedure, createOrReplaceProcedure, createOrReplaceTrigger, createOrReplaceTrigger, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createProcedure, createProcedure, createSchema, createSchema, createSchema, createSchemaIfNotExists, createSchemaIfNotExists, createSchemaIfNotExists, createSequence, createSequence, createSequence, createSequenceIfNotExists, createSequenceIfNotExists, createSequenceIfNotExists, createTable, createTable, createTable, createTableIfNotExists, createTableIfNotExists, createTableIfNotExists, createTemporaryTable, createTemporaryTable, createTemporaryTable, createTemporaryTableIfNotExists, createTemporaryTableIfNotExists, createTemporaryTableIfNotExists, createTrigger, createTrigger, createType, createType, createUniqueIndex, createUniqueIndex, createUniqueIndex, createUniqueIndex, createUniqueIndexIfNotExists, createUniqueIndexIfNotExists, createUniqueIndexIfNotExists, createUniqueIndexIfNotExists, createView, createView, createView, createView, createView, createView, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, cube, cube, cumeDist, cumeDist, cumeDist, currentCatalog, currentDate, currentInstant, currentLocalDate, currentLocalDateTime, currentLocalDateTime, currentLocalDateTime, currentLocalTime, currentOffsetDateTime, currentOffsetTime, currentSchema, currentTime, currentTimestamp, currentTimestamp, currentTimestamp, currentUser, date, date, date, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, day, day, day, dayOfWeek, dayOfWeek, dayOfWeek, dayOfYear, dayOfYear, dayOfYear, decade, decade, decade, declare, declare, declare, decode, decode, decode, decode, decode, default_, default_, default_, default_, defaultValue, defaultValue, defaultValue, defaultValue, deg, deg, delete, deleteFrom, deleting, denseRank, denseRank, denseRank, digits, digits, domain, domain, dropDatabase, dropDatabase, dropDatabase, dropDatabaseIfExists, dropDatabaseIfExists, dropDatabaseIfExists, dropDomain, dropDomain, dropDomain, dropDomainIfExists, dropDomainIfExists, dropDomainIfExists, dropFunction, dropFunction, dropFunctionIfExists, dropFunctionIfExists, dropIndex, dropIndex, dropIndex, dropIndexIfExists, dropIndexIfExists, dropIndexIfExists, dropProcedure, dropProcedure, dropProcedureIfExists, dropProcedureIfExists, dropSchema, dropSchema, dropSchema, dropSchemaIfExists, dropSchemaIfExists, dropSchemaIfExists, dropSequence, dropSequence, dropSequence, dropSequenceIfExists, dropSequenceIfExists, dropSequenceIfExists, dropTable, dropTable, dropTable, dropTableIfExists, dropTableIfExists, dropTableIfExists, dropTemporaryTable, dropTemporaryTable, dropTemporaryTable, dropTemporaryTableIfExists, dropTemporaryTableIfExists, dropTemporaryTableIfExists, dropTrigger, dropTrigger, dropTriggerIfExists, dropTriggerIfExists, dropType, dropType, dropType, dropType, dropType, dropTypeIfExists, dropTypeIfExists, dropTypeIfExists, dropTypeIfExists, dropTypeIfExists, dropView, dropView, dropView, dropViewIfExists, dropViewIfExists, dropViewIfExists, dual, e, epoch, epoch, epoch, escape, escape, every, every, execute, execute, execute, exists, exit, exit, exitWhen, exitWhen, exp, exp, extract, extract, extract, falseCondition, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, finalTable, finalTable, finalTable, firstValue, floor, floor, for_, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, function, function, function, function, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, getDataType, goto_, grant, grant, grant, greatest, greatest, groupConcat, groupConcat, groupConcatDistinct, groupId, grouping, groupingId, groupingSets, groupingSets, groupingSets, groupsBetweenCurrentRow, groupsBetweenFollowing, groupsBetweenPreceding, groupsBetweenUnboundedFollowing, groupsBetweenUnboundedPreceding, groupsCurrentRow, groupsFollowing, groupsPreceding, groupsUnboundedFollowing, groupsUnboundedPreceding, hour, hour, hour, if_, if_, if_, if_, if_, ifnull, ifnull, ifnull, ifnull, iif, iif, iif, iif, in, in, index, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inlined, inlined, inlined, inlined, inOut, inOut, insert, insert, inserting, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, instant, instant, instant, isnull, isnull, isnull, isnull, isoDayOfWeek, isoDayOfWeek, isoDayOfWeek, jsonArray, jsonArray, jsonArrayAgg, jsonbArray, jsonbArray, jsonbArrayAgg, jsonbExists, jsonbExists, jsonbObject, jsonbObject, jsonbObject, jsonbObject, jsonbObjectAgg, jsonbObjectAgg, jsonbObjectAgg, jsonbObjectAgg, jsonbTable, jsonbTable, jsonbValue, jsonbValue, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonExists, jsonExists, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObjectAgg, jsonObjectAgg, jsonObjectAgg, jsonObjectAgg, jsonTable, jsonTable, jsonValue, jsonValue, key, key, keyword, label, label, lag, lag, lag, lag, lag, lag, lag, lastValue, lateral, lead, lead, lead, lead, lead, lead, lead, least, least, left, left, left, left, length, length, level, link, link, link, list, list, listAgg, listAgg, ln, ln, localDate, localDate, localDate, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateTime, localDateTime, localDateTime, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localTime, localTime, localTime, log, log, log, log, log10, log10, loop, loop, lower, lower, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, ltrim, ltrim, ltrim, ltrim, ltrim, ltrim, max, maxDistinct, md5, md5, median, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, microsecond, microsecond, microsecond, mid, mid, mid, mid, mid, mid, millennium, millennium, millennium, millisecond, millisecond, millisecond, min, minDistinct, minus, minute, minute, minute, mode, mode, month, month, month, multiset, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, name, name, name, name, neg, newTable, newTable, newTable, noCondition, not, not, notExists, notUnique, now, now, nthValue, nthValue, ntile, ntile, nullif, nullif, nullif, nullif, nullSafe, nullSafe, nullSafe, nullSafe, nullSafeDataType, nullSafeList, nullSafeList, nvl, nvl, nvl, nvl, nvl2, nvl2, nvl2, nvl2, octetLength, octetLength, offsetDateTime, offsetDateTime, offsetDateTime, offsetTime, offsetTime, offsetTime, oldTable, oldTable, oldTable, one, or, or, or, orderBy, orderBy, orderBy, out, out, overlay, overlay, overlay, overlay, param, param, param, param, param, param, param, param, param, partitionBy, partitionBy, percentileCont, percentileCont, percentileDisc, percentileDisc, percentRank, percentRank, percentRank, period, period, period, pi, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, power, power, power, power, primaryKey, primaryKey, primaryKey, primaryKey, prior, privilege, product, productDistinct, quarter, quarter, quarter, queries, queries, query, query, query, query, quotedName, quotedName, quotedName, rad, rad, rand, rangeBetweenCurrentRow, rangeBetweenFollowing, rangeBetweenPreceding, rangeBetweenUnboundedFollowing, rangeBetweenUnboundedPreceding, rangeCurrentRow, rangeFollowing, rangePreceding, rangeUnboundedFollowing, rangeUnboundedPreceding, rank, rank, rank, ratioToReport, ratioToReport, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, regexpReplaceAll, regexpReplaceAll, regexpReplaceFirst, regexpReplaceFirst, regrAvgX, regrAvgY, regrCount, regrIntercept, regrR2, regrSlope, regrSXX, regrSXY, regrSYY, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, replace, replace, replace, replace, replace, replace, resultQuery, resultQuery, resultQuery, resultQuery, return_, return_, return_, reverse, reverse, revoke, revoke, revoke, revokeGrantOptionFor, revokeGrantOptionFor, revokeGrantOptionFor, right, right, right, right, role, role, rollup, rollup, round, round, round, round, round, round, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowNumber, rowsBetweenCurrentRow, rowsBetweenFollowing, rowsBetweenPreceding, rowsBetweenUnboundedFollowing, rowsBetweenUnboundedPreceding, rowsCurrentRow, rowsFollowing, rowsFrom, rowsPreceding, rowsUnboundedFollowing, rowsUnboundedPreceding, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rtrim, rtrim, rtrim, rtrim, rtrim, rtrim, schema, schema, second, second, second, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, selectCount, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectOne, selectZero, sequence, sequence, sequence, sequence, sequence, sequence, set, setCatalog, setCatalog, setCatalog, setLocal, setSchema, setSchema, setSchema, shl, shl, shl, shl, shr, shr, shr, shr, sign, sign, signalSQLState, signalSQLState, sin, sin, sinh, sinh, space, space, splitPart, splitPart, splitPart, splitPart, sql, sql, sql, sqrt, sqrt, square, square, stArea, stArea, stAsBinary, stAsBinary, stAsText, stAsText, statement, statement, statement, statement, statements, statements, stCentroid, stCentroid, stContains, stContains, stContains, stContains, stCrosses, stCrosses, stCrosses, stCrosses, stddevPop, stddevSamp, stDifference, stDifference, stDifference, stDifference, stDisjoint, stDisjoint, stDisjoint, stDisjoint, stDistance, stDistance, stDistance, stDistance, stEndPoint, stEndPoint, stEquals, stEquals, stEquals, stEquals, stExteriorRing, stExteriorRing, stGeometryN, stGeometryN, stGeometryN, stGeometryN, stGeometryType, stGeometryType, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stInteriorRingN, stInteriorRingN, stInteriorRingN, stInteriorRingN, stIntersection, stIntersection, stIntersection, stIntersection, stIntersects, stIntersects, stIntersects, stIntersects, stIsClosed, stIsClosed, stIsEmpty, stIsEmpty, stLength, stLength, stNumGeometries, stNumGeometries, stNumInteriorRings, stNumInteriorRings, stNumPoints, stNumPoints, stOverlaps, stOverlaps, stOverlaps, stOverlaps, stPointN, stPointN, stPointN, stPointN, stSrid, stSrid, stStartPoint, stStartPoint, stTouches, stTouches, stTouches, stTouches, stUnion, stUnion, stUnion, stUnion, stWithin, stWithin, stWithin, stWithin, stX, stX, stY, stY, stZ, stZ, substring, substring, substring, substring, substring, substring, substringIndex, substringIndex, substringIndex, substringIndex, sum, sumDistinct, sysConnectByPath, systemName, systemName, systemName, systemTime, systemTime, systemTime, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, tan, tan, tanh, tanh, tau, time, time, time, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampSub, timestampSub, timestampSub, timestampSub, timestampSub, timestampSub, timezone, timezone, timezone, timezoneHour, timezoneHour, timezoneHour, timezoneMinute, timezoneMinute, timezoneMinute, toDate, toDate, toDate, toDate, toHex, toHex, toLocalDate, toLocalDate, toLocalDate, toLocalDate, toLocalDateTime, toLocalDateTime, toLocalDateTime, toLocalDateTime, toTimestamp, toTimestamp, toTimestamp, toTimestamp, translate, translate, translate, translate, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, trueCondition, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, truncate, truncate, truncate, truncateTable, truncateTable, truncateTable, two, unique, unique, unique, unique, unique, unnest, unnest, unnest, unnest, unquotedName, unquotedName, unquotedName, update, updating, upper, upper, user, user, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, uuid, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, var, var, variable, variable, varPop, varSamp, week, week, week, when, when, when, when, when, when, while_, widthBucket, widthBucket, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, xmlagg, xmlattributes, xmlattributes, xmlcomment, xmlcomment, xmlconcat, xmlconcat, xmldocument, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlexists, xmlexists, xmlforest, xmlforest, xmlparseContent, xmlparseContent, xmlparseDocument, xmlparseDocument, xmlpi, xmlpi, xmlpi, xmlpi, xmlquery, xmlquery, xmlserializeContent, xmlserializeContent, xmlserializeDocument, xmlserializeDocument, xmltable, xmltable, year, year, year, zero
Constructor Details
protected OracleDSL()No instances
Method Details
The Oracle-specificROWNUM
pseudo-field. -
The Oracle-specificROWID
pseudo-field. -
The Oracle-specificORA_ROWSCN
pseudo-field. -
The Oracle-specificORA_ROWSCN
pseudo-field. -
The Oracle-specificSCN_TO_TIMESTAMP
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<Timestamp> scnToTimestamp(Field<? extends Number> scn) The Oracle-specificSCN_TO_TIMESTAMP
function. -
The Oracle-specificTIMESTAMP_TO_SCN
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<Long> timestampToScn(Field<? extends Date> scn) The Oracle-specificTIMESTAMP_TO_SCN
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<String> sysContext(String namespace, String parameter) The Oracle-specificSYS_CONTEXT
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<String> sysContext(String namespace, String parameter, int length) The Oracle-specificSYS_CONTEXT
function. -
@Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="3.14") @NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<String> toChar(Object value) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.The Oracle-specificTO_CHAR
function. -
@Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="3.14") @NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<String> toChar(Field<?> value) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.The Oracle-specificTO_CHAR
function. -
@Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="3.14") @NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<String> toChar(Object value, String formatMask) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.The Oracle-specificTO_CHAR
function. -
@Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="3.14") @NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<String> toChar(Object value, Field<String> formatMask) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.The Oracle-specificTO_CHAR
function. -
@Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="3.14") @NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<String> toChar(Field<?> value, String formatMask) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.The Oracle-specificTO_CHAR
function. -
@Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="3.14") @NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<String> toChar(Field<?> value, Field<String> formatMask) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.- 3.14.0 - [#8381] [#10641] - UseDSL.toChar(Field, Field)
instead.The Oracle-specificTO_CHAR
function. -
The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function. -
The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal> toNumber(String value, String formatMask) The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal> toNumber(String value, Field<String> formatMask) The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal> toNumber(Field<String> value, String formatMask) The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal> toNumber(Field<String> value, Field<String> formatMask) The Oracle-specificTO_NUMBER
function. -
The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_STARTSCN
pseudo-field. -
pseudo-field. -
The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_ENDSCN
pseudo-field. -
The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_ENDTIME
pseudo-field. -
The Oracle-specificVERSIONS_XID
pseudo-field. -
pseudo-field. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal> contains(Field<String> field, String query) The Oracle-Text specificCONTAINS
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal> contains(Field<String> field, String query, int label) The Oracle-Text specificCONTAINS
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal> matches(Field<String> field, String query) The Oracle-Text specificMATCHES
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal> matches(Field<String> field, String query, int label) The Oracle-Text specificCONTAINS
function. -
@NotNull @Support(ORACLE) public static @NotNull Field<BigDecimal> catsearch(Field<String> field, String textQuery, String structuredQuery) The Oracle-Text specificCATSEARCH
function. -
The Oracle-Text specificSCORE
function. -
The Oracle-Text specificMATCH_SCORE
DSL.toChar(Field, Field)