specific DSL.- Author:
- Lukas Eder
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionaesDecrypt
(String cryptString, String keyString) Get the MariaDB-specificAES_DECRYPT()
(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString) Get the MariaDB-specificAES_DECRYPT()
(String string, String keyString) Get the MariaDB-specificAES_ENCRYPT()
(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString) Get the MariaDB-specificAES_ENCRYPT()
functionGet the MariaDB-specificCOMPRESS()
functionGet the MariaDB-specificCOMPRESS()
functionGet the MariaDB-specificDECODE()
functionGet the MariaDB-specificDECODE()
(String cryptString) Get the MariaDB-specificDES_DECRYPT()
(String cryptString, String keyString) Get the MariaDB-specificDES_DECRYPT()
(Field<String> cryptString) Get the MariaDB-specificDES_DECRYPT()
(Field<String> cryptString, Field<String> keyString) Get the MariaDB-specificDES_DECRYPT()
(String string) Get the MariaDB-specificDES_ENCRYPT()
(String string, String keyString) Get the MariaDB-specificDES_ENCRYPT()
(Field<String> string) Get the MariaDB-specificDES_ENCRYPT()
(Field<String> string, Field<String> keyString) Get the MariaDB-specificDES_ENCRYPT()
functionGet the MariaDB-specificENCODE()
functionGet the MariaDB-specificENCODE()
functionGet a field basedEnumType
by its MariaDB-specific index.Get the MariaDB-specificPASSWORD()
functionGet the MariaDB-specificPASSWORD()
functionGet the MariaDB-specificSHA1()
functionGet the MariaDB-specificSHA1()
(String string) Get the MariaDB-specificUNCOMPRESS()
(Field<String> string) Get the MariaDB-specificUNCOMPRESS()
(String string) Get the MariaDB-specificUNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()
(Field<String> string) Get the MariaDB-specificUNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()
functionMethods inherited from class org.jooq.impl.DSL
abs, abs, acos, acos, aggregate, aggregate, aggregate, aggregate, aggregateDistinct, aggregateDistinct, aggregateDistinct, aggregateDistinct, all, all, all, all, alterDatabase, alterDatabase, alterDatabase, alterDatabaseIfExists, alterDatabaseIfExists, alterDatabaseIfExists, alterDomain, alterDomain, alterDomain, alterDomainIfExists, alterDomainIfExists, alterDomainIfExists, alterIndex, alterIndex, alterIndex, alterIndexIfExists, alterIndexIfExists, alterIndexIfExists, alterSchema, alterSchema, alterSchema, alterSchemaIfExists, alterSchemaIfExists, alterSchemaIfExists, alterSequence, alterSequence, alterSequence, alterSequenceIfExists, alterSequenceIfExists, alterSequenceIfExists, alterTable, alterTable, alterTable, alterTableIfExists, alterTableIfExists, alterTableIfExists, alterType, alterType, alterView, alterView, alterView, alterViewIfExists, alterViewIfExists, alterViewIfExists, and, and, and, any, any, any, any, anyValue, array, array, array, array, arrayAgg, arrayAggDistinct, arrayGet, arrayGet, ascii, ascii, asin, asin, asterisk, atan, atan, atan2, atan2, atan2, atan2, avg, avgDistinct, begin, begin, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitAnd, bitAndAgg, bitCount, bitCount, bitLength, bitLength, bitNand, bitNand, bitNand, bitNand, bitNor, bitNor, bitNor, bitNor, bitNot, bitNot, bitOr, bitOr, bitOr, bitOr, bitOrAgg, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXNor, bitXor, bitXor, bitXor, bitXor, bitXorAgg, boolAnd, boolAnd, boolOr, boolOr, call, call, cardinality, case_, case_, case_, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, castNull, castNull, castNull, catalog, catalog, ceil, ceil, century, century, century, characterSet, characterSet, charLength, charLength, check, choose, choose, choose, choose, choose, choose, choose, chr, chr, coalesce, coalesce, coalesce, coerce, coerce, coerce, coerce, coerce, coerce, collation, collation, collect, collect, collectDistinct, collectDistinct, comment, commentOnColumn, commentOnColumn, commentOnColumn, commentOnTable, commentOnTable, commentOnTable, commentOnView, commentOnView, commentOnView, concat, concat, concat, concat, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, condition, connectByIsCycle, connectByIsLeaf, connectByRoot, constraint, constraint, constraint, continue_, continue_, continueWhen, continueWhen, convert, convert, corr, cos, cos, cosh, cosh, cot, cot, coth, coth, count, count, count, count, countDistinct, countDistinct, countDistinct, countDistinct, covarPop, covarSamp, createDatabase, createDatabase, createDatabase, createDatabaseIfNotExists, createDatabaseIfNotExists, createDatabaseIfNotExists, createDomain, createDomain, createDomain, createDomainIfNotExists, createDomainIfNotExists, createDomainIfNotExists, createFunction, createFunction, createGlobalTemporaryTable, createGlobalTemporaryTable, createGlobalTemporaryTable, createIndex, createIndex, createIndex, createIndex, createIndexIfNotExists, createIndexIfNotExists, createIndexIfNotExists, createIndexIfNotExists, createOrReplaceFunction, createOrReplaceFunction, createOrReplaceProcedure, createOrReplaceProcedure, createOrReplaceTrigger, createOrReplaceTrigger, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createOrReplaceView, createProcedure, createProcedure, createSchema, createSchema, createSchema, createSchemaIfNotExists, createSchemaIfNotExists, createSchemaIfNotExists, createSequence, createSequence, createSequence, createSequenceIfNotExists, createSequenceIfNotExists, createSequenceIfNotExists, createTable, createTable, createTable, createTableIfNotExists, createTableIfNotExists, createTableIfNotExists, createTemporaryTable, createTemporaryTable, createTemporaryTable, createTemporaryTableIfNotExists, createTemporaryTableIfNotExists, createTemporaryTableIfNotExists, createTrigger, createTrigger, createType, createType, createUniqueIndex, createUniqueIndex, createUniqueIndex, createUniqueIndex, createUniqueIndexIfNotExists, createUniqueIndexIfNotExists, createUniqueIndexIfNotExists, createUniqueIndexIfNotExists, createView, createView, createView, createView, createView, createView, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, createViewIfNotExists, cube, cube, cumeDist, cumeDist, cumeDist, currentCatalog, currentDate, currentInstant, currentLocalDate, currentLocalDateTime, currentLocalDateTime, currentLocalDateTime, currentLocalTime, currentOffsetDateTime, currentOffsetTime, currentSchema, currentTime, currentTimestamp, currentTimestamp, currentTimestamp, currentUser, date, date, date, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateAdd, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateDiff, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, dateSub, day, day, day, dayOfWeek, dayOfWeek, dayOfWeek, dayOfYear, dayOfYear, dayOfYear, decade, decade, decade, declare, declare, declare, decode, decode, decode, decode, decode, default_, default_, default_, default_, defaultValue, defaultValue, defaultValue, defaultValue, deg, deg, delete, deleteFrom, deleting, denseRank, denseRank, denseRank, digits, digits, domain, domain, dropDatabase, dropDatabase, dropDatabase, dropDatabaseIfExists, dropDatabaseIfExists, dropDatabaseIfExists, dropDomain, dropDomain, dropDomain, dropDomainIfExists, dropDomainIfExists, dropDomainIfExists, dropFunction, dropFunction, dropFunctionIfExists, dropFunctionIfExists, dropIndex, dropIndex, dropIndex, dropIndexIfExists, dropIndexIfExists, dropIndexIfExists, dropProcedure, dropProcedure, dropProcedureIfExists, dropProcedureIfExists, dropSchema, dropSchema, dropSchema, dropSchemaIfExists, dropSchemaIfExists, dropSchemaIfExists, dropSequence, dropSequence, dropSequence, dropSequenceIfExists, dropSequenceIfExists, dropSequenceIfExists, dropTable, dropTable, dropTable, dropTableIfExists, dropTableIfExists, dropTableIfExists, dropTemporaryTable, dropTemporaryTable, dropTemporaryTable, dropTemporaryTableIfExists, dropTemporaryTableIfExists, dropTemporaryTableIfExists, dropTrigger, dropTrigger, dropTriggerIfExists, dropTriggerIfExists, dropType, dropType, dropType, dropType, dropType, dropTypeIfExists, dropTypeIfExists, dropTypeIfExists, dropTypeIfExists, dropTypeIfExists, dropView, dropView, dropView, dropViewIfExists, dropViewIfExists, dropViewIfExists, dual, e, epoch, epoch, epoch, escape, escape, every, every, execute, execute, execute, exists, exit, exit, exitWhen, exitWhen, exp, exp, extract, extract, extract, falseCondition, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, finalTable, finalTable, finalTable, firstValue, floor, floor, for_, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, foreignKey, function, function, function, function, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, generateSeries, getDataType, goto_, grant, grant, grant, greatest, greatest, groupConcat, groupConcat, groupConcatDistinct, groupId, grouping, groupingId, groupingSets, groupingSets, groupingSets, groupsBetweenCurrentRow, groupsBetweenFollowing, groupsBetweenPreceding, groupsBetweenUnboundedFollowing, groupsBetweenUnboundedPreceding, groupsCurrentRow, groupsFollowing, groupsPreceding, groupsUnboundedFollowing, groupsUnboundedPreceding, hour, hour, hour, if_, if_, if_, if_, if_, ifnull, ifnull, ifnull, ifnull, iif, iif, iif, iif, in, in, index, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inline, inlined, inlined, inlined, inlined, inOut, inOut, insert, insert, inserting, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, insertInto, instant, instant, instant, isnull, isnull, isnull, isnull, isoDayOfWeek, isoDayOfWeek, isoDayOfWeek, jsonArray, jsonArray, jsonArrayAgg, jsonbArray, jsonbArray, jsonbArrayAgg, jsonbExists, jsonbExists, jsonbObject, jsonbObject, jsonbObject, jsonbObjectAgg, jsonbObjectAgg, jsonbObjectAgg, jsonbObjectAgg, jsonbTable, jsonbTable, jsonbValue, jsonbValue, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonEntry, jsonExists, jsonExists, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObject, jsonObjectAgg, jsonObjectAgg, jsonObjectAgg, jsonObjectAgg, jsonTable, jsonTable, jsonValue, jsonValue, key, key, keyword, label, label, lag, lag, lag, lag, lag, lag, lag, lastValue, lateral, lead, lead, lead, lead, lead, lead, lead, least, least, left, left, left, left, length, length, level, link, link, link, list, list, listAgg, listAgg, ln, ln, localDate, localDate, localDate, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateAdd, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateDiff, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateSub, localDateTime, localDateTime, localDateTime, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeAdd, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeDiff, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localDateTimeSub, localTime, localTime, localTime, log, log, log, log, log10, log10, loop, loop, lower, lower, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, lpad, ltrim, ltrim, ltrim, ltrim, ltrim, ltrim, max, maxDistinct, md5, md5, median, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, mergeInto, microsecond, microsecond, microsecond, mid, mid, mid, mid, mid, mid, millennium, millennium, millennium, millisecond, millisecond, millisecond, min, minDistinct, minus, minute, minute, minute, mode, mode, month, month, month, multiset, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, multisetAgg, name, name, name, name, neg, newTable, newTable, newTable, noCondition, not, not, notExists, notUnique, now, now, nthValue, nthValue, ntile, ntile, nullif, nullif, nullif, nullif, nullSafe, nullSafe, nullSafe, nullSafe, nullSafeDataType, nullSafeList, nullSafeList, nvl, nvl, nvl, nvl, nvl2, nvl2, nvl2, nvl2, octetLength, octetLength, offsetDateTime, offsetDateTime, offsetDateTime, offsetTime, offsetTime, offsetTime, oldTable, oldTable, oldTable, one, or, or, or, orderBy, orderBy, orderBy, out, out, overlay, overlay, overlay, overlay, param, param, param, param, param, param, param, param, param, partitionBy, partitionBy, percentileCont, percentileCont, percentileDisc, percentileDisc, percentRank, percentRank, percentRank, period, period, period, pi, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, position, power, power, power, power, primaryKey, primaryKey, primaryKey, primaryKey, prior, privilege, product, productDistinct, quarter, quarter, quarter, queries, queries, query, query, query, query, quotedName, quotedName, quotedName, rad, rad, rand, rangeBetweenCurrentRow, rangeBetweenFollowing, rangeBetweenPreceding, rangeBetweenUnboundedFollowing, rangeBetweenUnboundedPreceding, rangeCurrentRow, rangeFollowing, rangePreceding, rangeUnboundedFollowing, rangeUnboundedPreceding, rank, rank, rank, ratioToReport, ratioToReport, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, recordType, regexpReplaceAll, regexpReplaceAll, regexpReplaceFirst, regexpReplaceFirst, regrAvgX, regrAvgY, regrCount, regrIntercept, regrR2, regrSlope, regrSXX, regrSXY, regrSYY, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, replace, replace, replace, replace, replace, replace, resultQuery, resultQuery, resultQuery, resultQuery, return_, return_, return_, reverse, reverse, revoke, revoke, revoke, revokeGrantOptionFor, revokeGrantOptionFor, revokeGrantOptionFor, right, right, right, right, role, role, rollup, rollup, round, round, round, round, round, round, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rowField, rownum, rowNumber, rowsBetweenCurrentRow, rowsBetweenFollowing, rowsBetweenPreceding, rowsBetweenUnboundedFollowing, rowsBetweenUnboundedPreceding, rowsCurrentRow, rowsFollowing, rowsFrom, rowsPreceding, rowsUnboundedFollowing, rowsUnboundedPreceding, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rpad, rtrim, rtrim, rtrim, rtrim, rtrim, rtrim, schema, schema, second, second, second, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, select, selectCount, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectFrom, selectOne, selectZero, sequence, sequence, sequence, sequence, sequence, sequence, set, setCatalog, setCatalog, setCatalog, setLocal, setSchema, setSchema, setSchema, shl, shl, shl, shl, shr, shr, shr, shr, sign, sign, signalSQLState, signalSQLState, sin, sin, sinh, sinh, space, space, splitPart, splitPart, splitPart, splitPart, sql, sql, sql, sqrt, sqrt, square, square, stArea, stArea, stAsBinary, stAsBinary, stAsText, stAsText, statement, statement, statement, statement, statements, statements, stCentroid, stCentroid, stContains, stContains, stContains, stContains, stCrosses, stCrosses, stCrosses, stCrosses, stddevPop, stddevSamp, stDifference, stDifference, stDifference, stDifference, stDisjoint, stDisjoint, stDisjoint, stDisjoint, stDistance, stDistance, stDistance, stDistance, stEndPoint, stEndPoint, stEquals, stEquals, stEquals, stEquals, stExteriorRing, stExteriorRing, stGeometryN, stGeometryN, stGeometryN, stGeometryN, stGeometryType, stGeometryType, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromText, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stGeomFromWKB, stInteriorRingN, stInteriorRingN, stInteriorRingN, stInteriorRingN, stIntersection, stIntersection, stIntersection, stIntersection, stIntersects, stIntersects, stIntersects, stIntersects, stIsClosed, stIsClosed, stIsEmpty, stIsEmpty, stLength, stLength, stNumGeometries, stNumGeometries, stNumInteriorRings, stNumInteriorRings, stNumPoints, stNumPoints, stOverlaps, stOverlaps, stOverlaps, stOverlaps, stPointN, stPointN, stPointN, stPointN, stSrid, stSrid, stStartPoint, stStartPoint, stTouches, stTouches, stTouches, stTouches, stUnion, stUnion, stUnion, stUnion, stWithin, stWithin, stWithin, stWithin, stX, stX, stY, stY, stZ, stZ, substring, substring, substring, substring, substring, substring, substringIndex, substringIndex, substringIndex, substringIndex, sum, sumDistinct, sysConnectByPath, systemName, systemName, systemName, systemTime, systemTime, systemTime, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, tan, tan, tanh, tanh, tau, time, time, time, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampAdd, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampDiff, timestampSub, timestampSub, timestampSub, timestampSub, timestampSub, timestampSub, timezone, timezone, timezone, timezoneHour, timezoneHour, timezoneHour, timezoneMinute, timezoneMinute, timezoneMinute, toChar, toChar, toChar, toChar, toChar, toChar, toDate, toDate, toDate, toDate, toHex, toHex, toLocalDate, toLocalDate, toLocalDate, toLocalDate, toLocalDateTime, toLocalDateTime, toLocalDateTime, toLocalDateTime, toTimestamp, toTimestamp, toTimestamp, toTimestamp, translate, translate, translate, translate, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, trueCondition, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, trunc, truncate, truncate, truncate, truncateTable, truncateTable, truncateTable, two, unique, unique, unique, unique, unique, unnest, unnest, unnest, unnest, unquotedName, unquotedName, unquotedName, update, updating, upper, upper, user, user, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, using, uuid, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, values, var, var, variable, variable, varPop, varSamp, week, week, week, when, when, when, when, when, when, while_, widthBucket, widthBucket, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, withRecursive, xmlagg, xmlattributes, xmlattributes, xmlcomment, xmlcomment, xmlconcat, xmlconcat, xmldocument, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlelement, xmlexists, xmlexists, xmlforest, xmlforest, xmlparseContent, xmlparseContent, xmlparseDocument, xmlparseDocument, xmlpi, xmlpi, xmlpi, xmlpi, xmlquery, xmlquery, xmlserializeContent, xmlserializeContent, xmlserializeDocument, xmlserializeDocument, xmltable, xmltable, year, year, year, zero
Constructor Details
protected MariaDBDSL()No instances
Method Details
Get the MariaDB-specificDECODE()
functionDon't mix this up with the various
methods! -
Get the MariaDB-specificDECODE()
functionDon't mix this up with the various
methods! -
Get the MariaDB-specificENCODE()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificENCODE()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificAES_DECRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificAES_DECRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificAES_ENCRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificAES_ENCRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificDES_DECRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificDES_DECRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificDES_DECRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificDES_DECRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificDES_ENCRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificDES_ENCRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificDES_ENCRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificDES_ENCRYPT()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificCOMPRESS()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificCOMPRESS()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificUNCOMPRESS()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificUNCOMPRESS()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificUNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificUNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificSHA1()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificSHA1()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificPASSWORD()
function -
Get the MariaDB-specificPASSWORD()
function -
Get a field basedEnumType
by its MariaDB-specific index.If your MariaDB enum type contains these three values:
A, B, C
, then this will be the mapping of indexes to values:Enum literal as in
Enum ordinal as in Enum.ordinal()
MariaDB index null
See refman/5.5/en/enum.html for more details about MySQL enum types