Module org.jooq

Class MockFileDatabaseException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MockFileDatabaseException extends DataAccessException
An unexpected result can be encountered while loading a file-based MockDataProvider.

This exception may for instance indicate that the number of rows is not in accordance with the specified number of rows. I.e. it not be allowed for the file-based MockDataProvider to have this content:

 select "TABLE2"."ID2", "TABLE2"."NAME2" from "TABLE2"
 > +---+-----+
 > |ID2|NAME2|
 > +---+-----+
 > |1  |X    |
 > |2  |Y    |
 > +---+-----+
 @ rows: 1000
Samy Deghou, Lukas Eder
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MockFileDatabaseException

      public MockFileDatabaseException(String message)
      Constructor for MockFileDatabaseException.
      message - the detail message
    • MockFileDatabaseException

      public MockFileDatabaseException(String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructor for MockFileDatabaseException.
      message - the detail message
      cause - the root cause