Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface LoaderError

public interface LoaderError
An error that occurred during loading. Errors are only handled when they were caused by DataAccessException's. IOException's and other problems will abort loading fatally.
Lukas Eder
  • Method Details

    • exception

      DataAccessException exception()
      The underlying DataAccessException that caused the error.
    • rowIndex

      int rowIndex()
      The processed row index starting with 0 that caused the error.

      If queries were executed in batch mode, this will be the row index of the last row added to the batch.

    • row

      String[] row()
      The row data that caused the error.

      If queries were executed in batch mode, this will be the last row added to the batch.

    • query

      Query query()
      The query whose execution failed.