Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface WithAsStep4

public interface WithAsStep4
This type is part of the jOOQ DSL to create Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Merge statements prefixed with a WITH clause and with CommonTableExpressions.


 DSL.with("table", "col1", "col2")
        select(one(), two())
Lukas Eder
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    @NotNull WithStep
    as(ResultQuery<? extends Record4<?,?,?,?>> query)
    Associate a subselect with a common table expression's table and column names.
    @NotNull WithStep
    asMaterialized(ResultQuery<? extends Record4<?,?,?,?>> query)
    Associate a materialized subselect with a common table expression's table and column names.
    @NotNull WithStep
    asNotMaterialized(ResultQuery<? extends Record4<?,?,?,?>> query)
    Associate a non-materialized subselect with a common table expression's table and column names.
  • Method Details

    • as

      @NotNull @CheckReturnValue @Support @NotNull WithStep as(ResultQuery<? extends Record4<?,?,?,?>> query)
      Associate a subselect with a common table expression's table and column names.
    • asMaterialized

      @NotNull @CheckReturnValue @Support @NotNull WithStep asMaterialized(ResultQuery<? extends Record4<?,?,?,?>> query)
      Associate a materialized subselect with a common table expression's table and column names.

      This adds the PostgreSQL 12 MATERIALIZED hint to the common table expression definition, or silently ignores it, if the hint is not supported.

    • asNotMaterialized

      @NotNull @CheckReturnValue @Support @NotNull WithStep asNotMaterialized(ResultQuery<? extends Record4<?,?,?,?>> query)
      Associate a non-materialized subselect with a common table expression's table and column names.

      This adds the PostgreSQL 12 NOT MATERIALIZED hint to the common table expression definition, or silently ignores it, if the hint is not supported.