Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Annotation Interface Support

A formal declaration of whether any API element is supported by a given SQLDialect

The annotation is mainly used in three modes:

  • The annotation is absent on a method. This means that the applied SQLDialect is irrelevant for that method. This is mostly the case for jOOQ's general API (creating factories, rendering SQL, binding variables, etc.) as well as utility methods.
  • The annotation is present but "empty" on a method, i.e. it specifies no SQLDialect. This means that all of jOOQ's dialects are supported by this API method. This is typically the case with jOOQ's SQL construction API for very common clauses, such as the creation of SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE.
  • The annotation is present and specifies one or more dialects. A method annotated in such a way should be used only along with any of the dialects specified by the annotation. This is typically the case with jOOQ's SQL construction API for less common clauses, such as the creation of MERGE, etc.

    There listed dialects can be either a:

Future versions of jOOQ may use these annotations for throwing SQLDialectNotSupportedException where appropriate, or preprocessing jOOQ source code in order to mark unsupported API as Deprecated

Lukas Eder
  • Optional Element Summary Link icon

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    A SQLDialect array containing all dialects that are supported by the API method annotated with this annotation.
  • Element Details

    • value Link icon

      SQLDialect[] value
      A SQLDialect array containing all dialects that are supported by the API method annotated with this annotation.