Module org.jooq

Class DataChangedException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DataChangedException extends DataAccessException
An error occurred while storing a record with optimistic locking active, whose underlying data had already been changed.

This exception may be thrown if:

  • The record has been changed.
  • The record has been removed.
  • It isn't possible to detect whether the record has been changed (e.g. because UpdatableRecord.update() is called on a record that hasn't been previously fetched from the database).
Lukas Eder
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • DataChangedException Link icon

      public DataChangedException(String message)
      Constructor for DataChangedException.
      message - the detail message
    • DataChangedException Link icon

      public DataChangedException(String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructor for DataChangedException.
      message - the detail message
      cause - the root cause (usually from using a underlying data access API such as JDBC)