Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface PolicyProvider

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@Pro public interface PolicyProvider
A policy provider to provide a Policy for a table's row level security.

Implementors may choose to implement ContextPolicyProvider instead, if they wish to receive a PolicyContext object e.g. to access session information.

Lukas Eder
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <R extends Record>
    @NotNull List<Policy<R>>
    provide(Table<R> table)
    Provide a list of Policy for a table's row level security.
  • Method Details

    • provide

      @NotNull <R extends Record> @NotNull List<Policy<R>> provide(Table<R> table)
      Provide a list of Policy for a table's row level security.

      Implementations may provide a list of Policy for a table and a given type of statement. If different providers produce multiple policies for a given table, their Policy.condition() will be combined with Condition.and(Condition), implementing a restrictive access control strategy, as opposed to a permissive one.

      table - The table to provide a policy for.
      The policy, or null if no policy exists.