Package org.jooq

Class DDLExportConfiguration

  • public final class DDLExportConfiguration
    extends java.lang.Object
    A configuration type for use with the various DSLContext.ddl(Catalog) methods.
    Lukas Eder
    • Constructor Detail

      • DDLExportConfiguration

        public DDLExportConfiguration()
        Create a new default export configuration instance.
    • Method Detail

      • flags

        public final java.util.Set<DDLFlag> flags()
        The DDLFlag that are enabled on this configuration.
      • createSchemaIfNotExists

        public final boolean createSchemaIfNotExists()
        Whether to generate CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS statements.

        Not all RDBMS support this flag. Check DSLContext.createSchemaIfNotExists(Schema) to see if your SQLDialect supports the clause.

      • createSchemaIfNotExists

        public final DDLExportConfiguration createSchemaIfNotExists​(boolean newCreateSchemaIfNotExists)
        Whether to generate CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS statements.
      • createTableIfNotExists

        public final boolean createTableIfNotExists()
        Whether to generate CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statements.

        Not all RDBMS support this flag. Check DSLContext.createTableIfNotExists(Table) to see if your SQLDialect supports the clause.

      • createTableIfNotExists

        public final DDLExportConfiguration createTableIfNotExists​(boolean newCreateTableIfNotExists)
        Whether to generate CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statements.