Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface LoaderJSONStep<R extends Record>

  • public interface LoaderJSONStep<R extends Record>
    The Loader API is used for configuring data loads.

    The step in constructing the Loader object where you can set the mandatory JSON loader options.

    Lukas Eder, Johannes Bühler
    • Method Detail

      • fields

        LoaderJSONOptionsStep<R> fields​(Field<?>... fields)
        Specify the the fields to be loaded into the table in the correct order.

        The JSON column at index i is inserted into the table field at index i. If fields[i] == null or fields.length <= i, then the JSON column is skipped.

      • fields

        LoaderJSONOptionsStep<R> fields​(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
        Specify the the fields to be loaded into the table in the correct order.

        The JSON column at index i is inserted into the table field at index i. If new ArrayList(fields).get(i) == null or new ArrayList(fields).size() <= i, then the JSON column is skipped.