Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface LoaderRowsStep<R extends Record>

  • public interface LoaderRowsStep<R extends Record>
    The Loader API is used for configuring data loads.

    The step in constructing the Loader object where you can set the mandatory row loader options.

    Referencing XYZ*Step types directly from client code

    It is usually not recommended to reference any XYZ*Step types directly from client code, or assign them to local variables. When writing dynamic SQL, creating a statement's components dynamically, and passing them to the DSL API statically is usually a better choice. See the manual's section about dynamic SQL for details:

    Drawbacks of referencing the XYZ*Step types directly:

    • They're operating on mutable implementations (as of jOOQ 3.x)
    • They're less composable and not easy to get right when dynamic SQL gets complex
    • They're less readable
    • They might have binary incompatible changes between minor releases
    Lukas Eder
    • Method Detail

      • fields

        LoaderListenerStep<R> fields​(Field<?>... fields)
        Specify the the fields to be loaded into the table in the correct order.

        The record column at index i is inserted into the table field at index i. If fields[i] == null or fields.length <= i, then the record column is skipped.

      • fields

        LoaderListenerStep<R> fields​(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields)
        Specify the the fields to be loaded into the table in the correct order.

        The record column at index i is inserted into the table field at index i. If new ArrayList(fields).get(i) == null or new ArrayList(fields).size() <= i, then the record column is skipped.

      • fieldsFromSource

        LoaderListenerStep<R> fieldsFromSource()
        Indicate that all input fields which have a corresponding field in the target table (with the same name) should be loaded.

        When executing the loader input fields for which there is no match in the target table will be logged and if no field names can be derived for the input data a LoaderConfigurationException will be reported.