Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface Table<R extends Record>

Type Parameters:
R - The record type associated with this table
All Superinterfaces:
Fields, Named, Qualified, QueryPart, RecordQualifier<R>, Serializable, TableLike<R>
All Known Subinterfaces:
CommonTableExpression<R>, JSONTableColumnPathStep, JSONTableColumnsStep, TableOnConditionStep<R>, TableOptionalOnStep<R>, XMLTableColumnPathStep, XMLTableColumnsStep
All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomTable, TableImpl

public interface Table<R extends Record> extends TableLike<R>, RecordQualifier<R>
A table.

Like Field, a Table is a basic building block of any Query, as they all operate on at least one table. There are many different types of tables, including:


 // Assuming import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.*;

    .from(ACTOR) // Table reference

Instances can be created using DSL.table(Name) and overloads.

Lukas Eder