Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface Result<R extends Record>

Type Parameters:
R - The record type contained in this result
All Superinterfaces:
Attachable, Collection<R>, Fields, Formattable, Iterable<R>, List<R>, Serializable

public interface Result<R extends Record> extends Fields, List<R>, Attachable, Formattable
A wrapper for database results returned by SelectQuery.
Lukas Eder
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    attach(Configuration configuration)
    Attach this result and all of its contained records to a new Configuration.
    <O extends TableRecord<O>>
    @NotNull Table<O>
    Get a table expression representing the children of all of this result's records, given a foreign key.
    <X, A> X
    collect(Collector<? super R,A,X> collector)
    Collect all records of this result.
    Detach this result and all of its contained records from their current Configuration.
    <O extends TableRecord<O>>
    @NotNull Result<O>
    Fetch child records of this record, given a foreign key, as if fetching from children(ForeignKey).
    <O extends UpdatableRecord<O>>
    @NotNull Result<O>
    Fetch parent records of this record, given a foreign key, as if fetching from parents(ForeignKey).
    @Nullable Object
    getValue(int index, int fieldIndex)
    Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
    @Nullable Object
    getValue(int index, String fieldName)
    Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
    <T> T
    getValue(int index, Field<T> field)
    Convenience method to fetch a value at a given position in the result.
    @NotNull List<?>
    getValues(int index)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    <U> @NotNull List<U>
    getValues(int index, Class<? extends U> type)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    <U> @NotNull List<U>
    getValues(int index, Converter<?,? extends U> converter)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    @NotNull List<?>
    getValues(String fieldName)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    <U> @NotNull List<U>
    getValues(String fieldName, Class<? extends U> type)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    <U> @NotNull List<U>
    getValues(String fieldName, Converter<?,? extends U> converter)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    <U> @NotNull List<U>
    getValues(Field<?> field, Class<? extends U> type)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    <T> @NotNull List<T>
    getValues(Field<T> field)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    <T, U> @NotNull List<U>
    getValues(Field<T> field, Converter<? super T,? extends U> converter)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    @NotNull List<?>
    getValues(Name fieldName)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    <U> @NotNull List<U>
    getValues(Name fieldName, Class<? extends U> type)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    <U> @NotNull List<U>
    getValues(Name fieldName, Converter<?,? extends U> converter)
    Convenience method to fetch all values for a given field.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    intern(int... fieldIndexes)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    - 3.10 - [#6254] - This functionality is no longer supported and will be removed in 4.0
    @NotNull Result<R>
    intern(String... fieldNames)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    - 3.10 - [#6254] - This functionality is no longer supported and will be removed in 4.0
    @NotNull Result<R>
    intern(Field<?>... fields)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    - 3.10 - [#6254] - This functionality is no longer supported and will be removed in 4.0
    @NotNull Result<R>
    intern(Name... fieldNames)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    - 3.10 - [#6254] - This functionality is no longer supported and will be removed in 4.0
    <H extends RecordHandler<? super R>>
    into(H handler)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    - 3.15.0 - [#11902] - Use Iterable.forEach(Consumer) based methods, instead.
    <E> @NotNull List<E>
    into(Class<? extends E> type)
    Map resulting records onto a custom type.
    @NotNull Result<Record>
    into(Field<?>... fields)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1> @NotNull Result<Record1<T1>>
    into(Field<T1> field1)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2> @NotNull Result<Record2<T1,T2>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3> @NotNull Result<Record3<T1,T2,T3>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4>
    @NotNull Result<Record4<T1,T2,T3,T4>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>
    @NotNull Result<Record5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>
    @NotNull Result<Record6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>
    @NotNull Result<Record7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>
    @NotNull Result<Record8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9>
    @NotNull Result<Record9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>
    @NotNull Result<Record10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11>
    @NotNull Result<Record11<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12>
    @NotNull Result<Record12<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13>
    @NotNull Result<Record13<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14>
    @NotNull Result<Record14<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13, Field<T14> field14)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15>
    @NotNull Result<Record15<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,T15>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13, Field<T14> field14, Field<T15> field15)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16>
    @NotNull Result<Record16<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,T15,T16>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13, Field<T14> field14, Field<T15> field15, Field<T16> field16)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17>
    @NotNull Result<Record17<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,T15,T16,T17>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13, Field<T14> field14, Field<T15> field15, Field<T16> field16, Field<T17> field17)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18>
    @NotNull Result<Record18<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,T15,T16,T17,T18>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13, Field<T14> field14, Field<T15> field15, Field<T16> field16, Field<T17> field17, Field<T18> field18)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19>
    @NotNull Result<Record19<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,T15,T16,T17,T18,T19>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13, Field<T14> field14, Field<T15> field15, Field<T16> field16, Field<T17> field17, Field<T18> field18, Field<T19> field19)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20>
    @NotNull Result<Record20<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,T15,T16,T17,T18,T19,T20>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13, Field<T14> field14, Field<T15> field15, Field<T16> field16, Field<T17> field17, Field<T18> field18, Field<T19> field19, Field<T20> field20)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21>
    @NotNull Result<Record21<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,T15,T16,T17,T18,T19,T20,T21>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13, Field<T14> field14, Field<T15> field15, Field<T16> field16, Field<T17> field17, Field<T18> field18, Field<T19> field19, Field<T20> field20, Field<T21> field21)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22>
    @NotNull Result<Record22<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,T15,T16,T17,T18,T19,T20,T21,T22>>
    into(Field<T1> field1, Field<T2> field2, Field<T3> field3, Field<T4> field4, Field<T5> field5, Field<T6> field6, Field<T7> field7, Field<T8> field8, Field<T9> field9, Field<T10> field10, Field<T11> field11, Field<T12> field12, Field<T13> field13, Field<T14> field14, Field<T15> field15, Field<T16> field16, Field<T17> field17, Field<T18> field18, Field<T19> field19, Field<T20> field20, Field<T21> field21, Field<T22> field22)
    Copy all records from this result into a new result with new records holding only a subset of the previous fields.
    <Z extends Record>
    @NotNull Result<Z>
    into(Table<Z> table)
    Map resulting records onto a custom record.
    @Nullable Object @NotNull []
    intoArray(int fieldIndex)
    Return all values for a field index from the result.
    <U> U @NotNull []
    intoArray(int fieldIndex, Class<? extends U> type)
    Return all values for a field index from the result.
    <U> U @NotNull []
    intoArray(int fieldIndex, Converter<?,? extends U> converter)
    Return all values for a field index from the result.
    @Nullable Object @NotNull []
    intoArray(String fieldName)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> U @NotNull []
    intoArray(String fieldName, Class<? extends U> type)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> U @NotNull []
    intoArray(String fieldName, Converter<?,? extends U> converter)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> U @NotNull []
    intoArray(Field<?> field, Class<? extends U> type)
    Return all values for a field from the result.
    <T> T @NotNull []
    intoArray(Field<T> field)
    Return all values for a field from the result.
    <T, U> U @NotNull []
    intoArray(Field<T> field, Converter<? super T,? extends U> converter)
    Return all values for a field from the result.
    @Nullable Object @NotNull []
    intoArray(Name fieldName)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> U @NotNull []
    intoArray(Name fieldName, Class<? extends U> type)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> U @NotNull []
    intoArray(Name fieldName, Converter<?,? extends U> converter)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    @Nullable Object @NotNull [] @NotNull []
    Convert this result into an array of arrays.
    @NotNull Map<?,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(int keyFieldIndex)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and a list of corresponding records as value.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(int[] keyFieldIndexes)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given keys.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Result<Record>>
    intoGroups(int[] keyFieldIndexes, int[] valueFieldIndexes)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given keys.
    <E> @NotNull Map<Record,List<E>>
    intoGroups(int[] keyFieldIndexes, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    <E> @NotNull Map<Record,List<E>>
    intoGroups(int[] keyFieldIndexes, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<?,List<?>>
    intoGroups(int keyFieldIndex, int valueFieldIndex)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,List<E>>
    intoGroups(int keyFieldIndex, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped into the given entity type.
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,List<E>>
    intoGroups(int keyFieldIndex, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped by the given mapper.
    <K> @NotNull Map<K,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(Class<? extends K> keyType)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,List<V>>
    intoGroups(Class<? extends K> keyType, Class<? extends V> valueType)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,List<V>>
    intoGroups(Class<? extends K> keyType, RecordMapper<? super R,V> valueMapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<?,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(String keyFieldName)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and a list of corresponding records as value.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(String[] keyFieldNames)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given keys.
    <E> @NotNull Map<Record,List<E>>
    intoGroups(String[] keyFieldNames, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Result<Record>>
    intoGroups(String[] keyFieldNames, String[] valueFieldNames)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given keys.
    <E> @NotNull Map<Record,List<E>>
    intoGroups(String[] keyFieldNames, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,List<E>>
    intoGroups(String keyFieldName, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<?,List<?>>
    intoGroups(String keyFieldName, String valueFieldName)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,List<E>>
    intoGroups(String keyFieldName, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped by the given mapper.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(Field<?>[] keys)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given keys.
    <E> @NotNull Map<Record,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Field<?>[] keys, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Result<Record>>
    intoGroups(Field<?>[] keys, Field<?>[] values)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given keys.
    <E> @NotNull Map<Record,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Field<?>[] keys, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    <K> @NotNull Map<K,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(Field<K> key)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and a list of corresponding records as value.
    <K, E> @NotNull Map<K,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Field<K> key, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped into the given entity type.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,List<V>>
    intoGroups(Field<K> key, Field<V> value)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value.
    <K, E> @NotNull Map<K,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Field<K> key, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped by the given mapper.
    @NotNull Map<?,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(Name keyFieldName)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and a list of corresponding records as value.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(Name[] keyFieldNames)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given keys.
    <E> @NotNull Map<Record,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Name[] keyFieldNames, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Result<Record>>
    intoGroups(Name[] keyFieldNames, Name[] valueFieldNames)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given keys.
    <E> @NotNull Map<Record,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Name[] keyFieldNames, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Name keyFieldName, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<?,List<?>>
    intoGroups(Name keyFieldName, Name valueFieldName)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Name keyFieldName, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped by the given mapper.
    <K> @NotNull Map<K,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(RecordMapper<? super R,K> keyMapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,List<V>>
    intoGroups(RecordMapper<? super R,K> keyMapper, Class<V> valueType)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,List<V>>
    intoGroups(RecordMapper<? super R,K> keyMapper, RecordMapper<? super R,V> valueMapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    <S extends Record>
    @NotNull Map<S,Result<R>>
    intoGroups(Table<S> table)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given key table.
    <E, S extends Record>
    @NotNull Map<S,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Table<S> table, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key table and mapped into the given entity type.
    <E, S extends Record>
    @NotNull Map<S,List<E>>
    intoGroups(Table<S> table, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key table and mapped into the given entity type.
    <S extends Record, T extends Record>
    @NotNull Map<S,Result<T>>
    intoGroups(Table<S> keyTable, Table<T> valueTable)
    Return a Map with the result grouped by the given key table.
    @NotNull Map<?,R>
    intoMap(int keyFieldIndex)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and the corresponding records as value.
    @NotNull Map<Record,R>
    intoMap(int[] keyFieldIndexes)
    Return a Map with the given keys as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Record>
    intoMap(int[] keyFieldIndexes, int[] valueFieldIndexes)
    Return a Map with the given keys as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<List<?>,E>
    intoMap(int[] keyFieldIndexes, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    <E> @NotNull Map<List<?>,E>
    intoMap(int[] keyFieldIndexes, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped by the given mapper.
    @NotNull Map<?,?>
    intoMap(int keyFieldIndex, int valueFieldIndex)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,E>
    intoMap(int keyFieldIndex, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped into the given entity type.
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,E>
    intoMap(int keyFieldIndex, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped by the given mapper.
    <K> @NotNull Map<K,R>
    intoMap(Class<? extends K> keyType)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,V>
    intoMap(Class<? extends K> keyType, Class<? extends V> valueType)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,V>
    intoMap(Class<? extends K> keyType, RecordMapper<? super R,V> valueMapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<?,R>
    intoMap(String keyFieldName)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and the corresponding records as value.
    @NotNull Map<Record,R>
    intoMap(String[] keyFieldNames)
    Return a Map with the given keys as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<List<?>,E>
    intoMap(String[] keyFieldNames, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Record>
    intoMap(String[] keyFieldNames, String[] valueFieldNames)
    Return a Map with the given keys as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<List<?>,E>
    intoMap(String[] keyFieldNames, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped by the given mapper.
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,E>
    intoMap(String keyFieldName, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<?,?>
    intoMap(String keyFieldName, String valueFieldName)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,E>
    intoMap(String keyFieldName, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped by the given mapper.
    @NotNull Map<Record,R>
    intoMap(Field<?>[] keys)
    Return a Map with the given keys as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<List<?>,E>
    intoMap(Field<?>[] keys, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Record>
    intoMap(Field<?>[] keys, Field<?>[] values)
    Return a Map with the given keys as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<List<?>,E>
    intoMap(Field<?>[] keys, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped by the given mapper.
    <K> @NotNull Map<K,R>
    intoMap(Field<K> key)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and the corresponding records as value.
    <K, E> @NotNull Map<K,E>
    intoMap(Field<K> key, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped into the given entity type.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,V>
    intoMap(Field<K> key, Field<V> value)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value
    <K, E> @NotNull Map<K,E>
    intoMap(Field<K> key, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped by the given mapper.
    @NotNull Map<?,R>
    intoMap(Name keyFieldName)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and the corresponding records as value.
    @NotNull Map<Record,R>
    intoMap(Name[] keyFieldNames)
    Return a Map with the given keys as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<List<?>,E>
    intoMap(Name[] keyFieldNames, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<Record,Record>
    intoMap(Name[] keyFieldNames, Name[] valueFieldNames)
    Return a Map with the given keys as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    <E> @NotNull Map<List<?>,E>
    intoMap(Name[] keyFieldNames, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given keys and mapped by the given mapper.
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,E>
    intoMap(Name keyFieldName, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped into the given entity type.
    @NotNull Map<?,?>
    intoMap(Name keyFieldName, Name valueFieldName)
    Return a Map with one of the result's columns as key and another one of the result's columns as value
    <E> @NotNull Map<?,E>
    intoMap(Name keyFieldName, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key and mapped by the given mapper.
    <K> @NotNull Map<K,R>
    intoMap(RecordMapper<? super R,K> keyMapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,V>
    intoMap(RecordMapper<? super R,K> keyMapper, Class<V> valueType)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    <K, V> @NotNull Map<K,V>
    intoMap(RecordMapper<? super R,K> keyMapper, RecordMapper<? super R,V> valueMapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key entity and mapped into the given entity type.
    <S extends Record>
    @NotNull Map<S,R>
    intoMap(Table<S> table)
    Return a Map with the given key table as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    <E, S extends Record>
    @NotNull Map<S,E>
    intoMap(Table<S> table, Class<? extends E> type)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key table and mapped into the given entity type.
    <E, S extends Record>
    @NotNull Map<S,E>
    intoMap(Table<S> table, RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Return a Map with results grouped by the given key table and mapped by the given mapper.
    <S extends Record, T extends Record>
    @NotNull Map<S,T>
    intoMap(Table<S> keyTable, Table<T> valueTable)
    Return a Map with the given key table as a map key and the corresponding record as value.
    @NotNull List<Map<String,Object>>
    Return the generated result as a list of name/value maps.
    @NotNull ResultSet
    Generate an in-memory JDBC ResultSet containing the data of this Result.
    @NotNull Set<?>
    intoSet(int fieldIndex)
    Return all values for a field index from the result.
    <U> @NotNull Set<U>
    intoSet(int fieldIndex, Class<? extends U> type)
    Return all values for a field index from the result.
    <U> @NotNull Set<U>
    intoSet(int fieldIndex, Converter<?,? extends U> converter)
    Return all values for a field index from the result.
    @NotNull Set<?>
    intoSet(String fieldName)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> @NotNull Set<U>
    intoSet(String fieldName, Class<? extends U> type)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> @NotNull Set<U>
    intoSet(String fieldName, Converter<?,? extends U> converter)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> @NotNull Set<U>
    intoSet(Field<?> field, Class<? extends U> type)
    Return all values for a field from the result.
    <T> @NotNull Set<T>
    intoSet(Field<T> field)
    Return all values for a field from the result.
    <T, U> @NotNull Set<U>
    intoSet(Field<T> field, Converter<? super T,? extends U> converter)
    Return all values for a field from the result.
    @NotNull Set<?>
    intoSet(Name fieldName)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> @NotNull Set<U>
    intoSet(Name fieldName, Class<? extends U> type)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <U> @NotNull Set<U>
    intoSet(Name fieldName, Converter<?,? extends U> converter)
    Return all values for a field name from the result.
    <E> @NotNull Set<E>
    intoSet(RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Map results into a custom mapper callback.
    Whether there are any records contained in this Result.
    Whether there are any records contained in this Result.
    <E> @NotNull List<E>
    map(RecordMapper<? super R,E> mapper)
    Map results into a custom mapper callback.
    <O extends UpdatableRecord<O>>
    @NotNull Table<O>
    Get a table expression representing the parents of all of this result's records, given a foreign key.
    @NotNull RecordType<R>
    Get this result's record type.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortAsc(int fieldIndex)
    Sort this result by one of its contained fields.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortAsc(int fieldIndex, Comparator<?> comparator)
    Sort this result by one of its contained fields using a comparator.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortAsc(String fieldName)
    Sort this result by one of its contained fields.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortAsc(String fieldName, Comparator<?> comparator)
    Sort this result by one of its contained fields using a comparator.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortAsc(Comparator<? super R> comparator)
    Sort this result using a comparator that can compare records.
    <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortAsc(Field<T> field)
    Sort this result by one of its contained fields.
    <T> @NotNull Result<R>
    sortAsc(Field<T> field, Comparator<? super T> comparator)
    Sort this result by one of its contained fields using a comparator.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortAsc(Name fieldName)
    Sort this result by one of its contained fields.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortAsc(Name fieldName, Comparator<?> comparator)
    Sort this result by one of its contained fields using a comparator.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortDesc(int fieldIndex)
    Reverse-sort this result by one of its contained fields.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortDesc(int fieldIndex, Comparator<?> comparator)
    Reverse-sort this result by one of its contained fields using a comparator.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortDesc(String fieldName)
    Reverse-sort this result by one of its contained fields.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortDesc(String fieldName, Comparator<?> comparator)
    Reverse-sort this result by one of its contained fields using a comparator.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortDesc(Comparator<? super R> comparator)
    Reverse-sort this result using a comparator that can compare records.
    <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortDesc(Field<T> field)
    Reverse-sort this result by one of its contained fields.
    <T> @NotNull Result<R>
    sortDesc(Field<T> field, Comparator<? super T> comparator)
    Reverse-sort this result by one of its contained fields using a comparator.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortDesc(Name fieldName)
    Reverse-sort this result by one of its contained fields.
    @NotNull Result<R>
    sortDesc(Name fieldName, Comparator<?> comparator)
    Reverse-sort this result by one of its contained fields using a comparator.

    Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Attachable


    Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection

    parallelStream, removeIf, stream, toArray

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
