Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq.impl

Interface QOM.RegrAvgX

All Superinterfaces:
AggregateFilterStep<BigDecimal>, AggregateFunction<BigDecimal>, Field<BigDecimal>, FieldOrConstraint, FieldOrRow, GroupField, Named, OrderField<BigDecimal>, QueryPart, SelectField<BigDecimal>, SelectFieldOrAsterisk, Serializable, Typed<BigDecimal>, WindowBeforeOverStep<BigDecimal>, WindowOverStep<BigDecimal>
Enclosing class:

public static interface QOM.RegrAvgX extends AggregateFunction<BigDecimal>
The REGR AVGX function.

Calculate the average of the independent values (x). This standard SQL function may be supported natively, or emulated using #sum(Field) and #count(Field). If an emulation is applied, beware of the risk of "Catastrophic cancellation" in case the calculations are performed using floating point arithmetic.