Configuration configuration
Boolean renderSchema
RenderMapping renderMapping
RenderNameStyle renderNameStyle
RenderKeywordStyle renderKeywordStyle
Boolean renderFormatted
ParamType paramType
StatementType statementType
Boolean executeLogging
Boolean executeWithOptimisticLocking
Boolean attachRecords
Boolean updatablePrimaryKeys
Boolean reflectionCaching
Schema schema
Package pkg
String name
List<E> allParameters
List<E> inParameters
List<E> outParameters
DataType<T> type
Parameter<T> returnParameter
boolean overloaded
boolean hasDefaultedParameters
Map<K,V> inValues
Set<E> inValuesDefaulted
Set<E> inValuesNonDefaulted
Configuration configuration
Map<K,V> results
Map<K,V> parameterIndexes
String catalogName
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
SQLDialect dialect
Settings settings
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> data
SchemaMapping mapping
SQLDialect dialect
DataType<T> sqlDataType
Class<T> type
Class<T> arrayType
String castTypeName
String castTypeBase
String typeName
boolean nullable
boolean defaulted
int precision
int scale
int length
Configuration configuration
ExecuteListener listener
RecordListener listener
Configuration configuration
VisitListener listener
String keyword
String schemaName
StopWatch watch
MockResultSet rs
int errorType
Object unexpectedObject
int position
boolean negative
int days
int hours
int minutes
int seconds
int nano
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
as we have no
guarantee that the value from the stream is valid.ObjectStreamException
short value
unsigned byte
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
long value
unsigned int
BigInteger value
unsigned long
int value
unsigned short
boolean negative
int years
int months
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