- Type Parameters:
- The record type
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
An object holding data of a UDT
- Author:
- Lukas Eder
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Attachable
attach, configuration, detach
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Fields
dataType, dataType, dataType, dataTypes, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, fields, fields, fields, fields, fields, fieldsIncludingHidden, fieldsRow, fieldStream, indexOf, indexOf, indexOf, type, type, type, types
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Formattable
format, format, format, format, format, format, format, format, format, formatChart, formatChart, formatChart, formatChart, formatChart, formatChart, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatCSV, formatHTML, formatHTML, formatHTML, formatInsert, formatInsert, formatInsert, formatInsert, formatInsert, formatInsert, formatJSON, formatJSON, formatJSON, formatJSON, formatJSON, formatJSON, formatXML, formatXML, formatXML, formatXML, formatXML, formatXML, intoXML, intoXML, intoXML, intoXML
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.QualifiedRecord
getQualifier, with, with
Methods inherited from interface org.jooq.Record
changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, changed, compareTo, equals, from, from, from, from, from, fromArray, fromArray, fromArray, fromArray, fromArray, fromMap, fromMap, fromMap, fromMap, fromMap, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, hashCode, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, into, intoArray, intoList, intoMap, intoResultSet, intoStream, map, modified, modified, modified, modified, modified, original, original, original, original, original, reset, reset, reset, reset, reset, set, set, setValue, setValue, size, touched, touched, touched, touched, touched, touched, touched, touched, touched, touched, valuesRow
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.SQLData
getSQLTypeName, readSQL, writeSQL