public class IngresDataType<T> extends AbstractDataType<T>
dialectModifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> DataType<T> |
getDataType(Class<? extends T> type) |
static DataType<Object> |
getDefaultDataType(String typeName) |
asArrayDataType, asConvertedDataType, asEnumDataType, asMasterDataType, convert, convert, convert, equals, getArrayDataType, getArrayType, getCastTypeName, getCastTypeName, getCastTypeName, getCastTypeName, getDataType, getDataType, getDataType, getDefaultDataType, getDialect, getSQLDataType, getSQLType, getType, getType, getTypeName, getTypeName, hashCode, isArray, isBinary, isDateTime, isInterval, isLob, isNumeric, isString, isTemporal, toString
public static final IngresDataType<Byte> TINYINT
public static final IngresDataType<Byte> INTEGER1
public static final IngresDataType<Byte> I1
public static final IngresDataType<Short> SMALLINT
public static final IngresDataType<Short> INTEGER2
public static final IngresDataType<Short> I2
public static final IngresDataType<Integer> INTEGER
public static final IngresDataType<Integer> INTEGER4
public static final IngresDataType<Integer> I4
public static final IngresDataType<Long> BIGINT
public static final IngresDataType<Long> INTEGER8
public static final IngresDataType<Long> I8
public static final IngresDataType<Double> FLOAT
public static final IngresDataType<Double> FLOAT8
public static final IngresDataType<Double> DOUBLEPRECISION
public static final IngresDataType<Float> REAL
public static final IngresDataType<Float> FLOAT4
public static final IngresDataType<Boolean> BOOLEAN
public static final IngresDataType<BigDecimal> DECIMAL
public static final IngresDataType<String> VARCHAR
public static final IngresDataType<String> CHARACTERVARYING
public static final IngresDataType<String> LONGVARCHAR
public static final IngresDataType<String> CHAR
public static final IngresDataType<String> CHARACTER
public static final IngresDataType<String> C
public static final IngresDataType<String> CLOB
public static final IngresDataType<String> CHARLARGEOBJECT
public static final IngresDataType<String> CHARACTERLARGEOBJECT
public static final IngresDataType<String> NVARCHAR
public static final IngresDataType<String> LONGNVARCHAR
public static final IngresDataType<String> NCHAR
public static final IngresDataType<String> NCLOB
public static final IngresDataType<String> NCHARLARGEOBJECT
public static final IngresDataType<String> NATIONALCHARACTERLARGEOBJECT
public static final IngresDataType<Date> DATE
public static final IngresDataType<Time> TIME
public static final IngresDataType<Timestamp> TIMESTAMP
public static final IngresDataType<byte[]> BLOB
public static final IngresDataType<byte[]> BINARYLARGEOBJECT
public static final IngresDataType<byte[]> BINARY
public static final IngresDataType<byte[]> VARBINARY
public static final IngresDataType<byte[]> LONGBYTE
public static final IngresDataType<Boolean> BIT
public static final IngresDataType<BigDecimal> NUMERIC
protected static final IngresDataType<BigInteger> __BIGINTEGER
public static final IngresDataType<String> TEXT
public static final IngresDataType<Date> ANSIDATE
public static final IngresDataType<Date> INGRESDATE
public static final IngresDataType<Time> TIMEWITHTIMEZONE
public static final IngresDataType<Time> TIMEWITHOUTTIMEZONE
public static final IngresDataType<Time> TIMEWITHLOCALTIMEZONE
public static final IngresDataType<Timestamp> TIMESTAMPWITHTIMEZONE
public static final IngresDataType<Timestamp> TIMESTAMPWITHOUTTIMEZONE
public static final IngresDataType<Timestamp> TIMESTAMPWITHLOCALTIMEZONE
public static final IngresDataType<byte[]> BYTE
public static final IngresDataType<byte[]> VARBYTE
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