Configuration configuration
boolean ignoreMapping
Boolean renderSchema
RenderMapping renderMapping
RenderNameStyle renderNameStyle
RenderKeywordStyle renderKeywordStyle
Boolean renderFormatted
StatementType statementType
Boolean executeLogging
Boolean executeWithOptimisticLocking
Boolean attachRecords
List<E> executeListeners
SQLDialect dialect
SQLDataType<T> sqlDataType
Class<T> type
String castTypeName
String typeName
Class<T> arrayType
boolean hasPrecisionAndScale
Package pkg
List<E> allParameters
List<E> inParameters
List<E> outParameters
DataType<T> type
Parameter<T> returnParameter
boolean overloaded
Map<K,V> inValues
Set<E> inValuesNonDefaulted
Configuration configuration
Map<K,V> results
Map<K,V> parameterIndexes
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
SQLDialect dialect
SchemaMapping mapping
Settings settings
Map<K,V> data
SQLDialect dialect
Settings settings
org.jooq.impl.FieldList fields
org.jooq.impl.AliasProviderImpl<T extends AliasProvider<T>> alias
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
as we have no
guarantee that the value from the stream is valid.ObjectStreamException
short value
unsigned byte
BigInteger value
unsigned long
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