Module org.jooq
Package org.jooq

Interface Context<C extends Context<C>>

All Superinterfaces:
ExecuteScope, Scope
All Known Subinterfaces:
BindContext, RenderContext

public interface Context<C extends Context<C>> extends ExecuteScope
A context type that is used for rendering SQL or for binding.

This type implements Scope and thus has a lifecycle defined by the rendering or binding operation.

The map contents are maintained for the entirety of the rendering or binding operation, and are passed along to child Scope types, including e.g.

Lukas Eder
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • visit

      @NotNull C visit(QueryPart part) throws DataAccessException
      Visit a QueryPart in the current Context.

      This method is called by certain QueryPart implementations to recursively visit component QueryParts.

      part - The component QueryPart
      DataAccessException - If something went wrong while visiting the component QueryPart, e.g. when binding a variable
    • visit

      @NotNull C visit(Condition part) throws DataAccessException
      Visit a Condition as an ordinary QueryPart.
    • visit

      @NotNull C visit(Field<?> part) throws DataAccessException
      Visit a Field as a DSL.field(Condition), if it is a Condition, or as an ordinery QueryPart, otherwise.

      [#11969] Not all RDBMS support Condition in the form of Field of type Boolean, natively. As such, we must wrap any such Condition using DSL.field(Condition) to make sure the appropriate emulations are implemented. This applies to conditions that are declared as Field, e.g. the arguments of a function like DSL.nvl(Field, Field).

      If a Condition is declared as a condition, then this doesn't apply and visit(Condition) is invoked, instead, e.g. the arguments of AggregateFilterStep.filterWhere(Condition).

    • visitSubquery

      @NotNull C visitSubquery(QueryPart part) throws DataAccessException
      Visit a QueryPart as a subquery in the current Context.

      This method is called by certain QueryPart implementations to recursively visit component QueryParts.

      part - The component QueryPart
      DataAccessException - If something went wrong while visiting the component QueryPart, e.g. when binding a variable
    • start

      @NotNull C start(Clause clause)
      TODO [#2667] Properties of these methods: - A clause is always started / ended, even if it isn't rendered or if it's empty!
    • end

      @NotNull C end(Clause clause)
    • data

      @NotNull C data(Object key, Object value, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set a data value for a key for the scope of a Consumer.
    • declareFields

      boolean declareFields()
      Whether the current context is rendering a SQL field declaration (e.g. a Field in the SELECT clause of the query).
    • declareFields

      @NotNull C declareFields(boolean declareFields)
      Set the new context value for declareFields().
    • declareFields

      @NotNull C declareFields(boolean declareFields, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new context value for declareFields() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • declareTables

      boolean declareTables()
      Whether the current context is rendering a SQL table declaration (e.g. a Table in the FROM or JOIN clause of the query).
    • declareTables

      @NotNull C declareTables(boolean declareTables)
      Set the new context value for declareTables().
    • declareTables

      @NotNull C declareTables(boolean declareTables, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new context value for declareTables() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • declareAliases

      boolean declareAliases()
      Whether the current context is rendering a SQL alias declarations in declareTables() or declareFields() sections.
    • declareAliases

      @NotNull C declareAliases(boolean declareTables)
      Whether the current context is rendering a SQL alias declarations in declareTables() or declareFields() sections.
    • declareAliases

      @NotNull C declareAliases(boolean declareTables, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Whether the current context is rendering a SQL alias declarations in declareTables() or declareFields() sections for the scope of a Consumer.
    • declareWindows

      boolean declareWindows()
      Whether the current context is rendering a SQL window declaration (e.g. a WindowDefinition in the WINDOW clause of the query).
    • declareWindows

      @NotNull C declareWindows(boolean declareWindows)
      Set the new context value for declareWindows().
    • declareWindows

      @NotNull C declareWindows(boolean declareWindows, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new context value for declareWindows() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • declareParameters

      @Pro boolean declareParameters()
      Whether the current context is rendering a procedure or function parameter declaration.
    • declareParameters

      @Pro @NotNull C declareParameters(boolean declareParameters)
      Set the new context value for declareParameters().
    • declareParameters

      @Pro @NotNull C declareParameters(boolean declareParameters, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new context value for declareParameters() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • declareCTE

      boolean declareCTE()
      Whether the current context is rendering a common table expression (e.g. a CommonTableExpression in the WITH clause of the query).
    • declareCTE

      @NotNull C declareCTE(boolean declareCTE)
      Set the new context value for declareCTE().
    • declareCTE

      @NotNull C declareCTE(boolean declareCTE, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new context value for declareCTE() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • topLevel

      @Nullable @Nullable QueryPart topLevel()
      The top level QueryPart that is being rendered.
    • topLevel

      @NotNull C topLevel(QueryPart topLevel)
      Set the top level QueryPart that is being rendered.
    • topLevelForLanguageContext

      @Nullable @Nullable QueryPart topLevelForLanguageContext()
      The top level QueryPart that is being rendered in the current languageContext().
    • topLevelForLanguageContext

      @NotNull C topLevelForLanguageContext(QueryPart topLevelForLanguageContext)
      Set the top level QueryPart that is being rendered in the current languageContext().
    • subquery

      boolean subquery()
      Whether the current context is rendering a subquery (nested query).
    • subquery

      @NotNull C subquery(boolean subquery)
      Set the new context value for subquery().
    • subquery

      @NotNull C subquery(boolean subquery, QueryPart part)
      Set the new context value for subquery() as well as scopePart() a
    • derivedTableSubquery

      boolean derivedTableSubquery()
      Whether the current context is rendering a derived table subquery.
    • derivedTableSubquery

      @NotNull C derivedTableSubquery(boolean derivedTableSubquery)
      Set the new context value for derivedTableSubquery().
    • setOperationSubquery

      boolean setOperationSubquery()
      Whether the current context is rendering a set operation subquery.
    • setOperationSubquery

      @NotNull C setOperationSubquery(boolean setOperationSubquery)
      Set the new context value for setOperationSubquery().
    • predicandSubquery

      boolean predicandSubquery()
      Whether the current context is rendering a predicand subquery, i.e. a subquery that is an operand of a predicate.
    • predicandSubquery

      @NotNull C predicandSubquery(boolean predicandSubquery)
      Set the new context value for predicandSubquery().
    • subqueryLevel

      int subqueryLevel()
      Which level of subqueries we're currently in, starting with 0 for the top level query.
    • scopeLevel

      int scopeLevel()
      Which level of scopes we're currently in, starting with 0 for the top scope.
    • scopeStart

      @NotNull C scopeStart()
      Start a new scope.
    • scopeStart

      @NotNull C scopeStart(QueryPart part)
      Start a new scope, passing the current QueryPart as the scopePart().

      If the new scope doesn't have such a QueryPart, then scopeStart() can be called instead.

    • scopePart

      @Nullable @Nullable QueryPart scopePart()
      Return the QueryPart that defines the current scopeStart(QueryPart), if any, or null if there is no such QueryPart.
    • scopeMarkStart

      @NotNull C scopeMarkStart(QueryPart part)
      Mark the beginning of a scoped query part.
    • scopeHide

      @NotNull C scopeHide(QueryPart part)
      Hide the argument query part from child scopes, if it has been registered previously.
    • scopeShow

      @NotNull C scopeShow(QueryPart part)
      Show the argument query part in child scopes, if it has been registered previously.
    • scopeRegister

      @NotNull C scopeRegister(QueryPart part)
      Register a "special" query part in the scope, reusing the object from a higher scope, if available.
    • scopeRegisterAndMark

      @NotNull C scopeRegisterAndMark(QueryPart part, boolean forceNew)
    • scopeRegister

      @NotNull C scopeRegister(QueryPart part, boolean forceNew)
      Register a "special" query part in the scope, allowing to force registering the object in the new scope, if a higher scope already has the object.

      [#10992] This is necessary to allow for hiding identifiers from nested scopes.

    • scopeRegister

      @NotNull C scopeRegister(QueryPart part, boolean forceNew, QueryPart mapped)
      Register a "special" query part in the scope, allowing to force registering the object in the new scope, if a higher scope already has the object, as well as providing a mapped part to map the original part to.

      [#10716] When wrapping parts of a query in a derived table, additional table mappings may be needed.

    • scopeParts

      @NotNull <Q extends QueryPart> @NotNull Iterable<Q> scopeParts(Class<? extends Q> type)
      Get all values of a type that are in the current scope or higher.
    • currentScopeParts

      @NotNull <Q extends QueryPart> @NotNull Iterable<Q> currentScopeParts(Class<? extends Q> type)
      Get all values of a type that are in the current scope.
    • inScope

      boolean inScope(QueryPart part)
      Check whether a query part is registered in the current scope or higher.
    • inCurrentScope

      boolean inCurrentScope(QueryPart part)
      Check whether a query part is registered in the current scope.
    • scopeMapping

      @NotNull @NotNull QueryPart scopeMapping(QueryPart part)
      Retrieve the registered mapping for a query part in the current scope.

      If no such mapping exists, the argument QueryPart itself is returned.

    • scopeMarkEnd

      @NotNull C scopeMarkEnd(QueryPart part)
      Mark the end of a scoped query part.
    • scopeEnd

      @NotNull C scopeEnd()
      End a previous SELECT scope.
    • stringLiteral

      boolean stringLiteral()
      whether the current context is rendering a string literal.
    • stringLiteral

      @NotNull C stringLiteral(boolean stringLiteral)
      Set the new context value for stringLiteral().
    • nextIndex

      int nextIndex()
      Get the next bind index. This increments an internal counter. This is relevant for two use-cases:
    • peekIndex

      int peekIndex()
      Peek the next bind index. This won't increment the internal counter, unlike nextIndex().
    • skipUpdateCount

      @NotNull C skipUpdateCount()
      Skip an additional update count produced by this query.
    • skipUpdateCounts

      @NotNull C skipUpdateCounts(int skip)
      Skip a number of additional update counts produced by this query.
    • skipUpdateCounts

      int skipUpdateCounts()
      The number of update counts to be skipped by this query.
    • statement

      @Nullable @Nullable PreparedStatement statement()
      Retrieve the context's underlying PreparedStatement if available, or null if this traversal does not operate on a PreparedStatement.
    • bindValue

      @NotNull @NotNull BindContext bindValue(Object value, Field<?> field) throws DataAccessException
      Bind a value using a specific type. This will also increment the internal counter.
      DataAccessException - If something went wrong while binding a variable
    • peekAlias

      @NotNull @NotNull String peekAlias()
      Peek the next alias that will be generated by nextAlias().
    • nextAlias

      @NotNull @NotNull String nextAlias()
      Return a new alias that is unique for the scope of one query. These aliases are sometimes needed when unaliased projections are defined in subqueries, which can lead to syntax errors.
    • render

      @NotNull @NotNull String render()
      Render the context's underlying SQL statement.
    • render

      @NotNull @NotNull String render(QueryPart part)
      Render a query part in a new context derived from this one. The rendered SQL will not be appended to this context.
    • sql

      @NotNull C sql(String sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder.
    • sql

      @NotNull C sql(String sql, boolean literal)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder.

      Set literal = true to indicate that the RenderContext shall not format the argument SQL.

    • sqlIndentStart

      @NotNull C sqlIndentStart(String sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder, followed by the usual calls to formatIndentStart() and formatNewLine().
    • sqlIndentEnd

      @NotNull C sqlIndentEnd(String sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder preceded by the usual calls to formatIndentEnd() and formatNewLine().
    • sqlIndentStart

      @NotNull C sqlIndentStart()
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder, followed by the usual calls to formatIndentStart() and formatNewLine().
    • sqlIndentEnd

      @NotNull C sqlIndentEnd()
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder preceded by the usual calls to formatIndentEnd() and formatNewLine().
    • sql

      @NotNull C sql(char sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder.
    • sqlIndentStart

      @NotNull C sqlIndentStart(char sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder, followed by the usual calls to formatIndentStart() and formatNewLine().
    • sqlIndentEnd

      @NotNull C sqlIndentEnd(char sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder preceded by the usual calls to formatIndentEnd() and formatNewLine().
    • sql

      @NotNull C sql(int sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder.
    • sql

      @NotNull C sql(long sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder.
    • floatFormat

      DecimalFormat floatFormat()
      A formatter to produce scientific notation for Float types.
    • sql

      @NotNull C sql(float sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder.
    • doubleFormat

      DecimalFormat doubleFormat()
      A formatter to produce scientific notation for Double types.
    • sql

      @NotNull C sql(double sql)
      Append some SQL to the context's contained StringBuilder.
    • format

      @NotNull C format(boolean format)
      Override the value of Settings.isRenderFormatted().
    • format

      boolean format()
    • formatNewLine

      @NotNull C formatNewLine()
      Render a new line character (only if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true).
    • formatNewLineAfterPrintMargin

      @NotNull C formatNewLineAfterPrintMargin()
      Render a new line character (only if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true, and the formatPrintMargin(int) has been exceeded).
    • formatSeparator

      @NotNull C formatSeparator()
      Render a new line character (only if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true), or a whitespace separator character otherwise.
    • separatorRequired

      @NotNull C separatorRequired(boolean separatorRequired)
      Specify that a separator will be required before the next visit(QueryPart) call, but leave the decision whether to generate a formatSeparator() or just a whitespace to that next QueryPart.
    • separatorRequired

      boolean separatorRequired()
      Whether some sort of separator is required before rendering the next QueryPart.
    • formatIndentStart

      @NotNull C formatIndentStart()
      Start indenting subsequent SQL by one level (two characters), if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true.

      This is the same as calling formatIndentStart(int) with a parameter of 2

    • formatIndentStart

      @NotNull C formatIndentStart(int indent)
      Start indenting subsequent SQL by a number of characters, if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true.
    • formatIndentLockStart

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="3.14") @NotNull C formatIndentLockStart()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      - [#10317] - 3.14.0 - Do not reuse this method. It will be removed without replacement.
      Start indenting subsequent SQL at the same level as the current line, if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true.
    • formatIndentEnd

      @NotNull C formatIndentEnd()
      Stop indenting subsequent SQL by one level (two characters), if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true.

      This is the same as calling formatIndentEnd(int) with a parameter of 2

    • formatIndentEnd

      @NotNull C formatIndentEnd(int indent)
      Stop indenting subsequent SQL by a number of characters, if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true.
    • formatIndentLockEnd

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="3.14") @NotNull C formatIndentLockEnd()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      - [#10317] - 3.14.0 - Do not reuse this method. It will be removed without replacement.
      Stop indenting subsequent SQL at the same level as the current line, if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true.
    • formatPrintMargin

      @NotNull C formatPrintMargin(int margin)
      Set a print margin that will be applied to formatted SQL, if Settings.isRenderFormatted() is set to true.

      The default print margin is 80. Setting this to zero or a negative value means that no print margin will be applied.

      The print margin is applied to any of these QueryParts:

    • literal

      @NotNull @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="3.10") C literal(String literal)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      - 3.10.0 - [#4990] - Use any of, DSL.quotedName(String) or DSL.unquotedName(String) instead.
      Append some literal to the context's contained StringBuilder.
    • quote

      boolean quote()
      Whether Name parts (and literal(String)) should be quoted.
    • quote

      @NotNull C quote(boolean quote)
      Set the new context value for quote().
    • quote

      @NotNull C quote(boolean quote, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new context value for quote() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • qualify

      boolean qualify()
      Whether query parts should render qualified names or not.
    • qualify

      @NotNull C qualify(boolean qualify)
      Set the new context value for qualify().
    • qualify

      @NotNull C qualify(boolean qualify, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new context value for qualify() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • qualifySchema

      boolean qualifySchema()
      Whether query parts should render Schema-qualified names or not.
    • qualifySchema

      @NotNull C qualifySchema(boolean qualifySchema)
      Set the new context value for qualifySchema().
    • qualifySchema

      @NotNull C qualifySchema(boolean qualifySchema, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new context value for qualifySchema() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • qualifyCatalog

      boolean qualifyCatalog()
      Whether query parts should render Catalog-qualified names or not.
    • qualifyCatalog

      @NotNull C qualifyCatalog(boolean qualifyCatalog)
      Set the new context value for qualifyCatalog().
    • qualifyCatalog

      @NotNull C qualifyCatalog(boolean qualifyCatalog, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new context value for qualifyCatalog() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • paramType

      @NotNull @NotNull ParamType paramType()
      Specify, how bind values should be rendered.

    • paramType

      @NotNull C paramType(ParamType paramType)
      Set the new context value for paramType().
    • visit

      @NotNull C visit(QueryPart part, ParamType paramType)
      Visit a query part with a given value for paramType().
    • paramTypeIf

      @NotNull C paramTypeIf(ParamType paramType, boolean condition)
      Set the new context value for paramType(), if a condition is true.
    • paramType

      @NotNull C paramType(ParamType paramType, Consumer<? super C> runnable)
      Set the new context value for paramType() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • paramTypeIf

      @NotNull C paramTypeIf(ParamType paramType, boolean condition, Consumer<? super C> runnable)
      Set the new context value for paramType() for the scope of a Consumer, if a condition is true.
    • languageContext

      @NotNull @NotNull LanguageContext languageContext()
      The current language context.
    • languageContext

      @NotNull C languageContext(LanguageContext languageContext)
      Set the new language context for languageContext()
    • languageContext

      @NotNull C languageContext(LanguageContext languageContext, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new language context for languageContext() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • languageContext

      @NotNull C languageContext(LanguageContext languageContext, QueryPart topLevelForLanguageContext, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new language context for languageContext() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • languageContextIf

      @NotNull C languageContextIf(LanguageContext languageContext, boolean condition)
      Set the new language context for languageContext(), if a condition is true.
    • castMode

      @NotNull @NotNull RenderContext.CastMode castMode()
      The currently applied cast mode for bind values.
    • castMode

      @NotNull C castMode(RenderContext.CastMode mode)
      Set the new cast mode for castMode().
    • castMode

      @NotNull C castMode(RenderContext.CastMode mode, Consumer<? super C> consumer)
      Set the new cast mode for castMode() for the scope of a Consumer.
    • castModeIf

      @NotNull C castModeIf(RenderContext.CastMode mode, boolean condition)
      Set the new cast mode for castMode(), if a condition is true.